Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @maci_winebarger

    week 2 round up

    What a short, long week…yeah, that didn’t make any sense. 4 day week, but it seemed like it dragged on. Anyways, I did “Daily Creates” on Tuesday-Friday and I thought they were pretty interesting “Creates”. I chose to do assignments from the Writing, Video, and Photo options from the Assignment Bank. From my random fortune […]
  2. @Chris_tastrophe

    “DS106: What Really Happened?”

     Well It’s Here Folks… I can’t believe the actual end to this class is here. It’s been a long, rewarding semester, and I’m not sure I’ve created so much in my entire life before. It’s addicting, and I could see myself returning to and for new challenges periodically. In this class, I learned that I truly love […]
  3. @Chris_tastrophe

    Video Week… Whew

    Well I made my film debut with Cypherpunk this week – we’ll probably have to shoo the paparazzi away for awhile…     So what were the happenings?   Daily Creates An alien who just happened to be able to soak up fire through his skin. Nice…#tdc2278 #theend106 #ds106 — Christopher Ringham (@Chris_tastrophe) April […]
  4. @Chris_tastrophe

    The Plot Thickens…

    Everybody created their own plots for the radio project – it was awesome to hear what some came up with! Besides that, plenty happened this week…   So what happened?   Daily Creates @ds106dc This is definitely not an owl.#theend106 #ds106 #tdc2264 — Christopher Ringham (@Chris_tastrophe) March 22, 2018   @ds106dc I’m allergic to […]
  5. @Chris_tastrophe

    *Image*ination Week

    This week was the beginning of our visual unit – good news for you, there’s not a lot of reading ahead.   So, what went down?   My Daily Creates To start, my roommate made heart-eyes at me this week: @ds106dc I’m grateful for my roommate, @zimmermvn, because he gets me outside, makes me look […]
  6. @shleighduque

    Week Fourteen: Distress Signal News!

    We had way too much fun with the final project. Alaina, Jordan and I immediately wrote our articles and filmed interviews after making an outline for the project. We created and customized a Tumblr page that provides background info and references our radio show. It was the perfect way to show our transformation from radio show … Continue reading Week Fourteen: Distress Signal News!
  7. @shleighduque

    Week Thirteen: Progress Report

    Inspired by the “Save Yourself” prompt where our heroes lose their powers, Alaina, Jordan and I have teamed up to revisit the plot and characters in our radio show, Distress Signal. Only for this project, we’ll create a news series that investigates where our heroes– Ceto, Malevolent Melody and Little Brain– are now. The plan is … Continue reading Week Thirteen: Progress Report
  8. @shleighduque

    Week Twelve: Mashed Up

    This week, we revisited concepts covered in the past, but whatever direction we took was up to us. The mashup/remix assignments were interesting because anything was fair game. I started with editing the Dunkin’ Donuts logo to better represent the only thing I actually buy from there… iced coffee. This was entertaining, and while I like the result, … Continue reading Week Twelve: Mashed Up

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