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  1. @lper0581

    Why use many words when few words do trick

    “Pick a topic that you can write about. It can be anything: a short bio, a description of a job you do, a short story about something that happened to you. Then go to and use the editor to write/re-write your text only using the top most common 1000 words. The editor will tell you when … Continue reading Why use many words when few words do trick
  2. @yarasaleh68

    I only listened to 80’s music until I was around 7

    I picked this activity because I was curious as to what words that I use that I feel are common but aren’t. I wrote about this story because it related to the theme during this semester and because I have so many memories of listening to 80s music with my dad. I tried thinking of …

    Continue reading "I only listened to 80’s music until I was around 7"

  3. @girlycurlyfries

    use only the ten hundred most common words

    When I feel worried I like to listen to music. The music is often happy or exciting and never has weird thoughts of people with pick up cars. Sometimes I listen to soft music because the beats are safe and calming. If I’m feeling happier I like to listen to rock or pop with simple … Continue reading use only the ten hundred most common words

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