1. @justin_zamecnik

    Logo Mashup

    This was my last assignment for the week. It was also worth four stars, which put me at twelve for the week. The instructions are to mashup all of your favorite teams logos. I chose to do the Kansas City Royals, the New England Patriots (no I’m not a bandwagon fan, I’ve liked them since […]
  2. @justin_zamecnik


    This assignment was a fun one to do. The instructions are to take a closeup image of anyone and place them somewhere they wouldn’t be found. It was worth four stars, which puts me at eight stars for the whole weak. I took a random picture off of the internet and began to edit it. […]
  3. @justin_zamecnik

    It Doesn’t Belong

    This assignment was very simple. All I had to do was add something to a movie that doesn’t believe there. This assignment was worth four stars. I am a huge Star Wars fan and have always been bothered when people mix it up with Star Trek. Soooooooooo I decided to do just that. I found an […]
  4. @BigWillyM9001

    Weekly update

    Lets see, this week I did two daily creates(https://twitter.com/BigWillyM9001), and I did the comments for kids assignment. Good lord but this was a tough one, I wanted my comments to mean something, so I searched for blogs that had posts within the last week. Turns out, thats only about 10% of them! I finally did … Continue reading "Weekly update"
  5. @mdseim

    Mini Documentary

    The Mini documentary assignment had me make… a mini documentary. I wanted to be creative with this. I didn’t want a run-of-the-mill documentary. Thus, I decided to do one over a baby. The baby can’t talk, so it was mostly a voice over with footage that illustrated what the voice-over was talking about. The main … Continue reading Mini Documentary
  6. @brimac106

    Weekly Summary 11

    This week was a pretty light load. We were just meant to finish our documentary and 2 daily creates that you can see below. Very short week, I know, but to be continued next week. The Lemon Poem Sidewalk crack art 
  7. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 11 Documentary

    This week wasn’t too busy because we were only given a few things to do. We had to do a couple of daily creates on the ds106 website, as well as finish our documentary. Thankfully These didn’t take me too long to accomplish due to the fact that I already had my documentary recorded and […]
  8. @Reagan Hotz

    Week 11 comments

    Here is a list of the comments I left during Week 11. Daily Routine My Favorite Thing to Do: Video Games! Where do your Shoes take you? (4 stars) 5 Seconds Of Fame How to thread a serger..  
  9. @Reagan Hotz

    The Story of Reverend Evadne Tuxhorn

    This is my response to the Mini Documentary assignment. I had to create a short documentary about a person’s life, however, there was a catch: the person couldn’t be a close friend or family member. Given my shy and reclusive nature, I thought this would be a big problem at first. I then realized that […]
  10. @Reagan Hotz

    Comments for Kids

    This is my response to the Comments For Kids assignment. I had to go to the blogs of 3-5 kids and leave them comments. The first comment left was for the talking watermelon. My comment seems to have dissapeared though. YAY!!!!! The second comment I left was for Elizabeth. https://elizabethyland.blogspot.com/2016/11/activities-outside.html#comment-form My third comment was for […]
  11. @mdseim

    Week 10

    Ah yes, my favorite genre of digital media, video. Assignments: Why So Serious? Song Visualization Winnebago Man Analysis
  12. @mdseim

    Why So Serious?

    The Why So Serious assignment asked me to take a serious part of a movie, and overlay it with comedy audio. So I did just that, mixing the Bobadook and Seinfeld. For those who don’t know, The Bobadook is an Australian horror movie that got a lot of critical acclaim along with some attention in … Continue reading Why So Serious?
  13. @justin_zamecnik


    We were assigned an analysis over the Winnebago Man film and how it used certain aspect of what we learned from a few youtube videos. Below is my analysis.   We all have issues, right? There is one man out there who became a youtube all-star due to his anger issues. This man’s name is […]
  14. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 10

    This week was a productive one for me. Thankfully, I was able to reduce my procrastination and get all of my video shot and somewhat close to done before they were due. We were instructed to do six stars worth of video assignments on the ds106 website. I ended up slightly overachieving by doing six […]
  15. @justin_zamecnik


    This assignment was also found on the ds106 website, but it is no longer there. For water reason it appears it was taken down. This assignment was worth three and a half stars and didn’t take long at all. Actually, this writing is also part of the assignment. The instructions are to record a short […]
  16. @justin_zamecnik

    Play It Backwards

    This assignment was found on the ds106 website. The instructions were very easy, record something and play it backwards. I decided to do a bottle flip. This assignment was worth three stars and got me half way to the goal for the week. I used Adobe Premiere to edit this video. I wasn’t sure how […]
  17. @Reagan Hotz

    Digital Media Week 10: Video

    My digital media class watched the film Winnebago Man: a documentary about Jack Rebney, a man who achieved notoriety because of a blooper reel from an RV sales video he shot for Winnebago. You can see my response to the film here. I have to film and edit a short documentary about a person’s life. […]
  18. @Reagan Hotz

    Week 10 comments

    Here is a list of the comments I have left on the work of other DS106 students during week 10. @JaapSoft Or maybe the moon is waiting to attack. #ds106 — Reagan Hotz (@Hotz_Digital) October 25, 2016 @dogtrax @ds106dc The moon really looks cheesed here. #ds106 — Reagan Hotz (@Hotz_Digital) October 25, 2016 @dogtrax @ds106dc […]
  19. @Reagan Hotz

    Winnebago Man Documentary Response

    In my digital media class, we watched a documentary titled Winnebago Man about Jack Rebney, a man who is famous on the internet for an outtake reel from a RV sales video. Due to the heat and the flies, Jack was very agitated throughout the filming process and the outtake reel contains footage of him screaming […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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