1. jamerive

    Audio in Storytelling

    Truth be told, audio is an extremely crucial part of storytelling in my opinion. Why do I say that? Ambience. When I imagine someone telling a story, some concepts are better perceived when heard. For example, someone’s voice can sometimes give insight into their character through intonation, inflection and pauses while speaking. In addition to … Continue reading Audio in Storytelling
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    A day in the life of Blair…

    Blair is my host character for this semester.  As you all may know Blair is currently unemployed due to past trauma that she has encountered.  Blair has a morning routine which she faithfully follows on an everyday basis.  I have recorded sounds from Blair’s morning routine to share with you all.  Try to guess what […]
  3. audyg1rl

    My 5 Favorite Posts

    (Appears out of the mist) (Whispers) My name is Five, those who know me well call me Five.  I want to now intro my favorite five posts that I really enjoyed viewing since the start of this course… Ms. Clara Hope’s Dream Vacation : I really liked this post, mainly because the pictures looked absolutely serene … Continue reading My 5 Favorite Posts
  4. scottc1094

    Daily Creates for Week 5

    This week, I did 3 daily creates. Five Card Flickr Story: @ds106dc My Flickr Five Card Story: Road trip for Two http://t.co/mWe5f2L5Nv #tdc1351 — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 21, 2015 Crossing Abbey Road: @ds106dc #tdc1353 Mickey Mouse crossing Abbey Road #ds106 pic.twitter.com/3kOKx5DXNn — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 22, 2015 and Latte Art: @ds106dc #tdc1354 Why… Read More
  5. jamerive

    Radio Show Ideas

    A couple of ideas that I had for my radio show include: Myself, playing myself, as a host that introduces scary stories or people who’d like to tell them. Simple, but effective. I could spend a part of the week looking up stories to read and practicing before shows with groupmates. Another option might be … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  6. audyg1rl

    Radio Show

    Horror movie theme songs playing in the background throughout the show. Such as the theme song for Friday 13th, Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween, Child’s Play, etc… Three 7 min. segments discussing: -Highlights of horror movies scenes and suggestions of what would’ve made it better -How the different elements of movies enhance the experience -Discuss … Continue reading Radio Show
  7. cherishamari


    We were asked to basically plan ahead and start brainstorming of ideas for our radioshow. Which seems easy enough right? Only catch you have to tailor it towards the theme and then tailor it to your blog. Seeing the main central theme is horror, its safe to say it needs to be something scary. My […]
  8. kmgeckle

    Radio Show Ideas

    I’m really not sure where to start with this, I’ll probably be updating this page multiple times over the course of the next few weeks! My radio show ideas so far: Interviewing a comeback celebrity Comparing the original and latest...
  9. kmgeckle

    Mean Girls Remixed

    I got super excited as I was scrolling through the assignment bank and found this! Basically, the assignment is to take a famous line from a movie, tweak it only a little bit so that it’s still recognizable, and rerecord...
  10. scottc1094

    Emotions through Sound – Sadness

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find different audio clips or sounds effects and combine them to symbolize a certain emotion.I chose sounds that I thought represented sadness.  To complete this assignment, I found four different audio clips on freesound.org, and imported them into Audacity. I then trimmed them down and positioned them  to make the… Read More
  11. scottc1094

    Spooky Sounds

    Assignment For this assignment, we had to find different sound effects and combine them together to make something spooky, and have it last for at least one minute. To do this, I first found four different sound effects on freesounds.org and added them all into audacity. I then edited them to have them fit into… Read More
  12. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Audio reflections

    Audio storytelling has definitely been new to me this week. I never really thought about the importance, process, or all of the details that actually went into audio storytelling. The importance of audio in digital storytelling impacts the emotions and feelings that the listener feels. Previous to this week, I never really thought about creating […]
  13. braze

    Wedding Emotion

    For this audio assignment I had to create or display an emotion through sound effects. I ended up finding a beautiful acoustic version of the songs “Here Comes the Bride” and “Falling in Love With You” mashed together. I knew as soon as I heard it that I wanted to convey the emotion love by … Continue reading Wedding Emotion
  14. adyke

    Song Clips Coming Together

    I picked six clips of some of my favorite songs that end up making a pretty interesting song themselves. I molded these together to form a phrase in garageband. Can you guess these six songs that have molded together? This is a audio assignment for Ds...
  15. scottc1094

    Audio Storytelling Reflections

    This week we have been solely focused on audio storytelling, and in the process, I have learned a lot more about how audio can aid a story. There are many different ways audio impacts the storytelling process, all depending on what kind of story it is and how the audio is used. For example, a story… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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