1. audyg1rl

    Last Laugh

    In the first picture of the boy running in front of the truck there would be very loud and anxious music in the background.  The driver of the truck would be peeping the horn very loudly, the bystanders would be yelling for the boy to watch out and get out of the street. Then in … Continue reading Last Laugh
  2. cherishamari

    The purpose of audio

    Audio in storytelling is what defines the audiences perspective so to say. It is how they can take something an interpret it into something else. The same with the audio in film/video especially audio in horror films. I really liked how they talked about the spacing in terms of audio and compared to pauses in […]
  3. scottc1094

    Moon Graffiti

    After listening to Moon Graffiti, I almost felt like I was on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. There are so many distinct sounds in this story that really made it come to life. For example, when the shuttle crashed on the moon, there were very convincing sounds played that made it seem… Read More
  4. cherishamari

    Just a little lost here…

    This week like the past few weeks, I have no idea what were talking about. Not in the sense of not knowing our focus for the week I get the visual aspect of the assignments. However, as many people point out I apparently was robbed of a childhood and watch Pocohantas and any disney movie […]
  5. cherishamari

    Thanks for tuning in…

    We were asked to create a Radio Bumper, mine was about 10 seconds longer than asked. But I love the song that was playing, took me about 5 trys to find a decent clip that I liked. And like usual didn’t really like the final product, but it was my first try so I can […]
  6. scottc1094

    Tales from the Crypt Audio Analysis

    For this assignment, I picked the first page (133) of Last Laugh from Tales of the Crypt to give an audio analysis on. I believe that the writing makes it fairly easy to imagine how sounds would effect the story. For example, there are clear signs given off to portray that emphasis should be used (such as bolding a… Read More
  7. mmiranda

    French Soldier

      During her many years of experimentation and trial and errors she was able to defy death. However, it came with the price  the human could not be trusted….. Walking through the long grass while raining at night  Repasg open her door looking behind her back. She goes inside quick and the first thing she … Continue reading French Soldier
  8. scottc1094

    Radio Show Ideas

    For the radio show that we will be doing later this semester, I have a few ideas of possible topics or themes that we could possibly incorporate. The first idea, keeping with the theme of the course, is having a session dedicated to solely scary stories and tall tales that are featured and easily found… Read More
  9. cherishamari

    This week’s best of..

    Hello friends, I (Mama Tavia), The Death Whisperer, and Repsag are here to showcase week four’s best work. I found myself (Mama Tavia) scrolling through a friend of mines Cherish’s blog  after doing some snooping. Everyone knows how you start on one persons page and then you somehow end up on like their cousin’s brother’s friends […]
  10. gabatron15

    The Haunting: Our Showcase

    So this week I worked with the host character Repsag and Mama Tavia and this is our showcase! Hi friends this is Repsag(Melissa). Have you seen the daily creates twittes this  week? YOU MAY ANSWER HERE I was looking into my friend’s Melissa twitter account and I found a photo of an lady. It was […]
  11. adyke

    Weekly Showcase

    WelcomeToWeek4Showcase…. YourGuideForThisWeekIsIDennis…. ThisGloriousWeekIsFilledWithVisualTidBits…. SubmissionsOfVisualContentAppeaseMyEyes… IShallPresentMyMostLovedFiveInAnAnthologyOfGreatness…  TheFirstTantalizingPieceIsAPostFromTheAdventureInNoir… RedIsQuiteThePowerColor… JulyDisplayedHerRoomsPowerInThisPicture… TheDescriptionOfHerVisionAlongWithExecutionOfTechnique… QuiteAWorkOfArt… FollowingUpJuly’sWorkOfArtIsAnApperanceFromKanye… AaronDykeCreatedAPictureOfKanyeWestAndAQuote… GreatnessIsRareHoweverKanyeIsGreat… TheKnowledgeOfGreatnessPermittedAWonderfulQuotedPhotoToComeIntoBeing…. ThePictureAndQuoteCombinePerfectlyMakingATastyPost… TheThirdPostThatMadeThisAnthology… FoodIsEssentialToLife… NoraPostedAnAlphabetMadeOfHealthyFood… BurstingWithColorAndAssumedTaste… NoraCreatedAPostThatIsInformativeAndVisuallyAppealing… WeReturnForTheFourthPieceOfTheShowcase… AaronPostedAnAnimalCombination… TheWeaknessOfDolphinsWasStrategicallyCoveredInThisPost… AaronCombinedADolphinAndGiraffeToCreateASuperAnimal… TheSatirePleasesMe… TheFinalPostThatMadeTheCut… ATrulyTerrifyingMoment… JamesUsesAnOldPhoneAndCapturesAHorrificMoment… ASpiritVisitedHisPhoneCreatingAParanormalPicutre… ThisWeekWasFilledWithGreat… PostsWereMany… TheseFiveCreatedMyMostLovesFromThisWeek… AGreatBunchOfVisuals

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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