1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Cinematography on the Bride……

    I was tossed between which movie I should watch this week. I finally decided on watching the Bride of Frankenstein. I know this movie is basically a classic and I thought it would be interesting to watch the original film. Watching this movie was rather hard for me since the whole movie is in black […]
  2. cherishamari

    Photo disaster, I mean blitz

    Never have I ever done or even heard of a photoblitz. But essentially we were asked to take 20 minutes to accomplish five random photo tasks we were asked to complete. We were first asked to screenshot when began, for timing purposes  The first photo on my list was: “Music is what feelings sound like.” Make […]
  3. Tales from ds106 » weekly assignments

    Week 5: Audio: In ds106, no one can hear you scream


    9/18/15 – 9/25/15

    All work is due by midnight on 9/25/15

    This week we will dig into audio storytelling. That goes beyond the words and tone of voice to include sound effects, background noise and music. We will be asking you to consider how these subliminal elements impact the story. We are also introducing ds106 radio (an open, Web-based, community … Read the rest

  4. myoung3

    This week’s news from… NewsWeek! (3.5 Stars VisualAssignments737)

    I chose this assignment because it’s right in my wheelhouse.  I have to admit, I struggled a bit this week, I’m not a photography or Photoshop guy, but I’m good at writing and being witty and funny.  Stuff like this that I can do in paint and then add value with words is where it’s … Continue reading This week’s news from… NewsWeek! (3.5 Stars VisualAssignments737)
  5. scottc1094

    Week 4 Summary

    This week in ds106 has probably been my favorite so far. I have always had an interest in photography, so all the photography assignments this week were very interesting and valuable to me. This week, I completed 12 stars worth of visual assignments. The assignments I completed, were the Bucket List Photography Assignment, a Collage of my… Read More
  6. gabatron15

    The Girl in the Woods

    As she takes in the darkness she wanders the streets. She doesn’t know how she ended up there or how long she has been walking. All she knows is that she can’t stop. No, she always walks in the shadows and lingers in the woods. The darkness is her security until she will one day […]
  7. gabatron15

    Bride Of Frankenstein

                                          I would like to start off this post with saying that I have never seen this or the original Frankenstein but I really did enjoy this movie! I have seen so many remakes of it so […]
  8. gabatron15


    I felt like this was a minute to win it challenge it was fast paced and exciting! Photoblitzer 22:07 A perfect line. Make a photo of interesting vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines. Get Close! Photograph an ordinary object from as close as you can manage. Features a repeating pattern. “Music is what feelings sound like.” […]
  9. gabatron15

    My favorite Animal

    This is a Visual Assignment worth 3 and a half stars. So this assignment had the option of having a collage of my pet but unfortunately my phone had lost a bunch of photos of my dog so I decided to do my second favorite animal, a giraffe! I love them so much! I feel […]
  10. kmgeckle

    1st Photoblitz!

    Here’s my first photoblitz! This was super fun, I hope to do more! photoblitzer 23:21 Take a photograph of someone holding an old photo of themselves: Me now and me in high school!   Take a photo of two things that...
  11. gabatron15

    Bleeding Heart

    This Visual Assignment is worth 3 stars. I had fun looking up this photo because after searching through several I realized not only did this represent the poem with the heart itself but the fact that this poem is raw. I love this because it is using her life and showing how she is bleeding […]
  12. ewindley


    The photoblitz assignment asked me to take seven photo’s in 20 minutes.  I started at 9:40 pm  and finished at 10:00 pm this evening. The list for my blitzing included: Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. An instrument that measures something How do ants see the world?  Change your viewpoint. … Continue reading Photoblitz
  13. kmgeckle


    I’m going to admit I was a little bit intimidated when I saw this assignment. Mainly because my photo editing skills are really subpar. But I’ve just decided with this class that I can’t get credit if I don’t at least...
  14. gabatron15

    Pop Star Out of Place

    For this visual assignment you have to take a pop star and put them in a setting that is out of the ordinary. It is worth 3 and a half stars. I chose Beyonce because she is always seen as this glamorous girl and by putting her in the setting of M.T. Everest gives her […]
  15. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Photography in the eyes of Alexis

    Photography has always been fun for me.  I remember when I was in sixth grade my parents bought me a digital camera for Christmas.  I was so excited, especially that my digital camera came with a mini printer that would directly print any photo that I wanted on my new camera.  I was so excited […]
  16. kmgeckle

    My Kitty Cats!

    I’ve been feeling really homesick for my cats. Now that I’m a junior, I no longer live on campus. Instead of living in an apartment, I’m currently living in a house of campus. This is the first time that I...
  17. adyke

    A True Tail-Gate

    Mr.Waggins fit in perfectly with the tailgate team. A nice soda for this hot dog and hopefully he gets a hot dog too! It may not be normal to wear shades and a button up shirt as a dog but that’s what makes Mr.Waggins the best addition to conversation and friendship at a tailgate. This … Continue reading A True Tail-Gate
  18. kmgeckle

    Color Changer

    This assignment was quite simple. The main purpose of it was to change the color hues in a picture to make it look totally different. So I went through the photo library to look for a photo to edit. As...
  19. kmgeckle


    I LOVE photography. Am I good at it? Absolutely not. As a kid I had a few different digital cameras. I was really in to taking pictures of random things, from my outfit that day to the grilled cheese sandwich...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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