1. kmgeckle

    Daily Creates Week 2!

    The beginning of my daily creates journey! DC #1: http://tdc.ds106.us/writings/mean-girls-halloween-party-scene/ Mean Girls – Halloween Party Scene September 2, 2015 Regina: Hey! Aaron: Ohh no. Didn’t anybody tell you? What a cock up, you were supposed to wear a costume. Nice one,...
  2. kmgeckle

    All About Camp!

    As a child, every summer I attended Camp Thunderbird in Chesterfield, Virginia. I’m definitely not the outdoorsy type, but every summer it was the activity I looked forward to the most. Camp Thunderbird is a great all day camp. During...
  3. kmgeckle

    Freshman Move-in

    I literally jumped for joy when I saw this assignment. I love sharing my memories, especially from the big points in my life! Wow where to begin. I was definitely extremely excited to move in freshman year. Nervous yes, but...
  4. gabatron15

    The Dolls

    The idea of having a childhood toy that looks so sweet and innocent turn into a monstrosity coming after you with with intent on harming you is what makes these stories scary. The thought that these are suppose to be objects that bring joy to someone only cause terror and destruction toward the characters that […]
  5. gabatron15

    My Destination Dream Vacation

    https://www.pinterest.com/gabatron5/dream-vacation/ When you have a dream there are so many possibilities of where you are going to end. My hope is that this dream comes true and I have the opportunity to travel all over India. I believe that this trip will one day become a reality because I have personal financials set aside for […]
  6. kmgeckle

    Shoes for Days

    So I chose this assignment because I was looking for something light and happy to do. Well what makes me happy? I guess you could call me a stereotypical girl, I love clothes, makeup, purses, and best of all, shoes....
  7. cmartin5

    Haiku about Haikus

    My dad loves to write. Feelings flow out easily. Haiku form of choice.   First child goes to school. Haiku soothes parental wound. His mark is left here:   “Bards apology He has more feeling than skill Haiku is blunt tool”
  8. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    About Alexis!

    Hi! My name is Alexis Zirpmoulis and I am a junior at UMW.  I am twenty years old and I live in King George, Virginia.  I am half Greek and half Italian which explains the reasoning for my dark complexion and thick curly hair.  I am currently working at NSWC Federal Credit Union as an […]
  9. braze

    Fish on Toast

    The daily create for September 3rd was to take a picture of toast and edit something into it. I was eating my toast this morning and watching TV when The Little Mermaid came on. Ariel is my favorite Disney princess so I immediately thought of making the piece of toast, now digesting in my belly, … Continue reading Fish on Toast
  10. gabatron15

    Bucket List

    This assignment was to create 4 images in a collage pertaining to my personal bucket list. My first one is skydiving as I see it as a personal thrill to reach new heights and have myself at the will of the winds. I am not very fond of heights so I believe by doing this […]
  11. scottc1094

    Scary Stories and Dolls

    After watching the three videos featured this week, it is obvious that the prevailing theme is “dolls”. In each story, we see dolls being used as the main horror device, going as far as causing death to some of the characters. I think what makes these stories scary, is the fact that dolls are used to portray […]
  12. myoung3

    Week 2 Summary

    This week I learned a lot about the basic structure of the class.  What’s expected of me, which mediums to use for which type of posts, and how to tag my work.  I’m still getting used to twitter, but I did get to play with it this week more than I have in the past, … Continue reading Week 2 Summary
  13. myoung3

    A walk in the city

    The animal I have chosen is a Kangaroo As Patricia walked blindly through the unfamiliar streets, her dress covered in a crust of dust, she couldn’t help but wonder where she had left her guidebook, and how she would find her way out of the city. She could hear her mother’s words echoing in her … Continue reading A walk in the city
  14. audyg1rl

    If I could…

    If I could live anywhere where at any time it would be in Africa, today. I don’t really have one or two big reasons, I just love it there. I went there for work multiple times and I just always had fun. I also like helping and talking to the little children there and seeing … Continue reading If I could…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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