1. djacks21

    Audio Assignment

    So I don’t think anyone would be surprised to find out that I chose the “Being A Music Producer” audio assignment. The objective of this assignment was to record two parts of an audio track with any instrument (obviously guitar for me!). To begin with, I laid down a rhythm backing track. This was actually […]
  2. djacks21

    Audio Story

    I think I got a little morbid here with my audio story…but oh well! I went on and when I went into the sound effects section, the first thing I saw was a traffic sound effect. So I put together a little mashup with 4 other sounds to create a car crash on the highway. […]
  3. djacks21

    Peeing on the Alamo

    So for my foray into SoundCloud, I figured I’d try to find the most absurd news headline of the year and read it aloud as a news announcer. Here’s the link to the actual article, and you can hear me reading the headline on SoundCloud:
  4. cbedross1

    Play by Play – Peanut Butter and Jelly

    For this assignment, you are supposed to provide play by play commentary on a video. I thought to mix it up a bit and do something a little different, so I found a video on “how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich” since it’s one of my favorite foods ;) and add a […]
  5. cbedross1

    Chaplin Circus Fraternity Initiation

    This was my first video creation/editing experience! I learned a lot from this assignment and it was cool to see how easy it can be to add in things like a title and credits. The trickiest part for me was adding in the overlay audio, but I ended up using Audacity to create the “layered” […]
  6. cew5x

    Look, Listen, Analyze- Casino

    All this talk of film editing made me think of Martin Scorcese and his long-time partnership with film editor Thelma Schoonmaker.  I would venture to say that Scorcese is a master director and storyteller, so chances are Schoonmaker isn’t a bad film editor either.   One of my favorite Scorcese films is Casino, so off I […]
  7. cew5x

    Week 5 Summary

    My main takeaway this week: working with sound is not as difficult as I thought, but still the most challenging I have found of the differing editing tasks we have done in this course.  I do feel completely at ease in recording, exporting, importing, and loading to SoundCloud, but the editing portion (splicing, fading, etc.) […]
  8. cew5x

    Week 5 comment round up (belated)

    I think I may have found my final project story this week, based upon comments alone.  The comments on my Public Health story idea seemed to coalesce around the idea of a public health super hero-type character- I really appreciated the different layers the commenters added to my original thoughts. I also learned via comments […]
  9. cew5x

    All you can take Cactus- Audio Assignment 942

    Trolling Craigslist is always fun, so the first audio assignment listed on Week 5′s page immediately jumped out at me.  Off I went to the local Craiglist “free” section and found this lovely post: Sounds strange enough to me!!  Why anyone would want to take on such an awful job for “free cactus” is beyond […]
  10. LRo

    Lights! Camera! Action!

    There is a saying that behind every good man is a good woman. This week, I learned that behind every good director is a good film editor. Truth be told, I had never really thought much of moving angles. This might be because my favorite films are rom coms. So, reading Roger Ebert’s How to […]
  11. cbedross1

    Reading Movies – Techniques and Strategies

    Roger Ebert, a well-known film critic, wrote about his experiences studying, dissecting, and reviewing films. He explains that conducting these actions are much more than an exercise he goes through, its the fact that he essentially “reads” the movie by using a technique called “Cinema Interruptus” -  stopping the film when something stands out or […]
  12. cew5x

    A story that is good for your health?

    I was thinking if there were any work-related things I could pull into for a story idea this week.  I work with a lot of people in the field of public health.  You may be asking yourself “What is public health?”  Sounds kind of crunchy and idealistic, huh?  Well it can be those things, but […]
  13. acruz12

    Week 5 – Summary

    This week we dove in to the world of sound storytelling.  We explored different audio storytelling tools like SoundCloud.com, Audacity.com, and various sound banks and conversions tools to make different sound stories work and flow seamlessly together. I started off by connecting my love of Baseball by trying my hand at reenacting an entertaining and age-old Abbott and […]
  14. acruz12

    Golden Arches, What stories lie beneath

    I saw an article on NPR’s website that looked at the history of McDonald’s commercials targeting black American and the shift from “Makin’ it” to “Lovin’ it” over the past few decades.  Within the article, there are several video clips that encompass an entire narrative arc for a character named “Calvin.”  The ads span from 1990 […]
  15. LRo


    I constantly feel like I’m being overwhelmed by noise that begins with my alarm clock (that goes off way too early in the morning) and ends with email alerts coming from my laptop (as my India team gets working as I’m heading to bed). This week, we learned all about sound and the profound impact […]
  16. ctwilker

    Chi-town sure was loud

    You would think each week has me in a new city and that would be true the last two weeks. This week I was in Chicago for work and needed to do my assignments while in either a hotel room or a friend’s house. So that was an adventure but I was up for it! […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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