If you paid very close, detailed (ahem) attention to the Triple Dog Dare — this is RULE 2 for the current ds106 Headless open course activity of remix– it’s time to break out for creativity in a big way, and remix some photos of author Cory Doctorow. He’s given us his blessing (e.g. boing boing permission). All of the information, details, photos to remix, exmaples, instructions are on the site I cobbled together from Jonathan Worth’s idea. Here, let him say it. Jonathan’s phonar students are on to it now. Hey are we going to let those phonar kids out remix the mighty ds106? (cheap shot appeal to competition) (I’ll resort to any tactic to draw you out of what else you spend time on beside ds106). A few words about the site– when Jonathan and I planned this last Spring, we wondered about thousands of Cory fans, Boing Boing […]