1. paul bond

    Then and now

    Brilliant photographer Arleen Hodge shared a link to a great collection of crime scene photos from New York City. Press photographer Marc Hermann puts these together using the NY Daily News archive and contemporary scenes. I think it ties in to what … Continue reading
  2. stefaniesophie

    Hawk View

    Once I had a magnificent eyesight and I often think about this. It was so funny when I went to the eye specialist because my eyesight was less good than it used to be. The doctor sent me away, because my eye sight was still good enough for him and did ...
  3. fiedegufei

    Potz Blitz! Photo Blitz!

    So I was having lunch in my office and was reading my emails. Found the announcement of the hangout on google+ on photographie in my inbox. As Alan asked us to do the photoplitz today, so the could talk about it on the hangout, I had no choice but to do it in the office. […]
  4. davebarr

    Still, Life! : VisAssign

    Take apples and make lemonade… Visual Assignment #308: “Take a famous painting or print and do your best to recreate it in real life. Capture it in a photo and present the two in a blog post.” Photographed with an iPhone. The original is a still life by Picasso: Most of the props were handy, […]
  5. davebarr

    Red Splash: VisAssign

    Lid of the almond jar… Visual Assignment #340: “Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List. You can do this in […]
  6. davebarr

    Post”Secret”: VisAssign

    My secret wish… Assignment #804: “Write on a “post-it” (haha, get it. “Post” secret.) your biggest dream in life. What are you going to school to accomplish? Who would you like to meet? What is your dream job? Whatever it is, it shouldn’t be a “secret”! Tell the whole internet world! After you take the […]
  7. Christina Hendricks

    Rapping, scratching and popping the Headless week 4 audio


    Link to audio mp3 (be patient—it may take a little time to download!): http://rockylouproductions.com/FileUpload/DS106/DS106_Headless13_AudioWk4_Review.mp3

    Rochelle Lockridge and I had a great time recording a podcast this past weekend, talking about some of the fantastic audio that had been made the past week by participants in the Headless ds106 course.

    Rochelle has already done a great blog post explaining how we managed to do the podcast itself, recording both video and audio. We initially posted it on YouTube because neither one of us had an extra 50 minutes of space available on Soundcloud, and I can’t upload files that big onto either one of the blogs I have right now (dammit—yet another reason to get my act together and get my Word Press install from my domain from reclaim hosting up and running. Yep, on my thousand-mile-long to-do list). I had no idea, actually, that Rochelle was recording video as well as audio, and I spent the first few minutes not looking very excited—it’s that face you have when you are just listening to something and aren’t interacting visually with someone.

    I love how Rochelle was able to put together chicken gifs made by John Johnston (see his posts with those gifs here and here) into the beginning and end of the video, moving along in time to the music, which was the Mel Blanc and Sound Effect Man- Chicken Farm Song.

    I wanted to give a tribute in some way to John Johnston’s chicken podcasts that he’s been doing for the Headless ds106 lately, and this was a great way to do so! You can hear his chicken podcasts by looking at this category on his blog.

    The audio we talked about

    Rochelle has already given the links to each of the works we discussed, on her blog post about this podcast, but I’ll put them at the end here too, just so I have them for future reference!

    To find the audio I just searched Twitter, Google+, and the ds106 Headless blog flow for audio assignments from last week, checked that they were licensed to reuse, and if they weren’t I asked if we could play them.

    I also wanted to point to Mariana’s blog post in which she suggests the radio show she wants to do with Talky Tina, for which she made the ds106radio bumper we talked about in the podcast. You can find that post here.

    And I said something false about the ds106 rap by Stefanie Jeske. Somehow I heard that she said “It’s about us” in the rap, which isn’t quite right, but hey…that’s what my brain made out of part of her rap, because, I guess, that’s what it’s about for me!

    Some tips/suggestions

    Licensing and downloading—Soundcloud

    Many people had made their works CC-licensed in some way, but hadn’t made them downloadable from Soundcloud. One of the great things about ds106, in my experience, is having people take what I’ve made and make new things from it—it’s like the ultimate validation, and it’s also like having a conversation with the other person. So if you’re willing to have that happen, or to have your work showcased in an audio or visual presentation of some kind, please do make it available to download!

    On Soundcloud, it just requires ticking a box when you’re uploading your audio (you can go back and edit and do it later, too). Same thing for adding a CC license to your work on Soundcloud—you have to do that on purpose, as the default is blank, which means all rights reserved. And if it’s all rights reserved, then we can’t use it for this sort of purpose without your permission.

    Amplifying if the audio is too soft/low, in Audacity

    At one point in the podcast we talked about ways to make your audio louder if it’s too quiet. Rochelle suggested just duplicating tracks so you have two of one of them if it’s not very loud (though you need to make sure they’re lined up perfectly!).

    Rochelle posted on her blog post about our podcast the sound effects story she did where she had to double the mosquitos track, but I’ll add it in here too, just for future reference.

    I talked about using the “Amplify” effect in Audacity, and I thought I’d clarify something about that here.

    In Audacity, you can select a portion of or a whole a track, go to Effects->Amplify, and choose how much you want to amplify the sound. Here’s what it looks like in a screenshot:


    I wasn’t sure if you could choose to make the new peak amplitude 0 or not, but yes, that’s what the default is—unless you change the numbers, it will make the new peak amplitude 0, which basically (if I understand it correctly) means that it will be as loud as possible without clipping—without having some of the audio cut out because it’s too loud. I usually go just a bit below that, but not because I know for a fact there’s any good reason to do so. There probably isn’t.

    Of course, if you want to allow clipping, you can do that with the Amplify effect.

    You can also put in a negative number in the top box in order to de-amplify (there must be a word for that)—to reduce the size of the waveforms and how loud it sounds.

    Noise removal in Audacity

    I also mentioned that it’s possible to do noise removal in Audacity, which is especially useful if you have a track that has a good deal of ambient noise (like a refrigerator, wind, computer fan), or if you have had to amplify a track to get it to be loud enough, but have also amplified the ambient noise too (Rochelle says doubling tracks can help avoid this problem).

    How this works in Audacity is explained nicely in this Audacity wiki page: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Noise_Removal

    It’s a bit tricky because you have to first select the section with only the sound of the noise you want to remove, then go to Effects->Noise Removal and click “Get noise profile,” as in the screenshot below. This lets Audacity figure out what the sound is that you want to remove.


    Then you select the whole track, go to Effect->Noise Removal again and then that time you can click “OK” (which, if you notice, is greyed out in the screenshot above, because I hadn’t gotten the noise profile first). You can play around with the settings in the bottom of the noise removal dialogue box if you know what you’re doing, but I don’t so I leave them as is.

    Since you need a few seconds of just the noise you want to remove in order for this to work, it’s really helpful to make sure you wait a few seconds when doing a recording before you start speaking, playing music, what have you.

    This is a good idea for other reasons too—if you need to insert some “silence” into another part of the track for some reason (as may need to happen if you have to edit some things out, change some things around), it’s useful to have the right “silence” to insert—that which fits with the rest of the recording. You can add in pure silence using Audacity (using Generate->silence), but it won’t sound like the empty bits in the rest of the track.

    Sometimes you get a bit of a weird effect with this noise removal thing, as you’ll still get some of the noise during the “talking” part of the audio, but it will be more or less gone in the “silent” part, and you can kind of hear it go in and out. You can mask this if you want, and even perhaps remove the need for noise removal altogether if you add some nice background noise (like maybe a recording of being outside with birds, or a street scene), or use music behind dialogue.

    Thank you!

    Thank you to everyone who created audio this week! I’m so sorry if we missed any (we were aiming for just one from each person, so some people had more than one thing we didn’t include here), but we really tried to find it all.

    And a big thank you to Rochelle for recording and editing this podcast during one of my busiest weekends ever. It wouldn’t have happened if it were just up to me!

    Links to the audio we discussed

    1. John Johnston: ds106 radio bumper dub number two:  http://johnjohnston.info/106/ds106-radio-bumper-dub-number-two/

    2. Mariana Funes: “Audio Giffing”  http://theds106shrink.tumblr.com/post/61671781287/audio-giffing

    3. Mikhail Gershovich,ds106 radio bumper: http://thisevilempire.com/blog/?p=931&cpage=1

    4. Sally Wilson, “ds106 bumper” http://vibrantoutlook.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/first-foray-into-radio/

    5. Cathleen Nardi, “Uncork at the cellar” ds106 radio bumper  https://soundcloud.com/cathleen-nardi/uncork-at-the-cellar-ds106

    6. Ary Aranguiz: sound effects story, “Invasion”  http://alltheworldisamooc.blogspot.ca/2013/09/ds106-week-4-audacious-audio.html

    7. Dave Barr, “The Banana Peel”–sound effects story  http://gr8kree8.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/the-banana-peel-assignment-ds106/

    8. Mariana Funes, sound effects story: “happily ever after…maybe”  https://soundcloud.com/mariana-funes/happily-ever-after-may-be

    9.  Kevin Hodgson, “Sound Effects Poem: A Life in Draft”  http://dogtrax.edublogs.org/2013/09/18/sound-effects-poem-a-life-in-draft/

    10. Stefanie Jeske, “Stefanie’s ds106 rap”  http://stefaniejeskestory.blogspot.ca/2013/09/stefanies-ds106-rap.html

    11. Hayfa Majdoub, “What is Philosophy? https://soundcloud.com/hayfam/audio-recording-on-wednesday#t=0:00

    And bumpers at the beginning and end:

    Rocky Lou’s ds106 radio bumper mashup: https://soundcloud.com/rochelle-lockridge/ds106-bumper-mashup

    Ary Aranguiz, ds106 radio Bumper1: https://soundcloud.com/ary-aranguiz/ds106bumper1

  8. cogdog

    Hangout For Week 5

    Okay folks, we are setting up a live google hangout for Wednesday, September 25 at 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm EDT (check your local time) to talk about photography and the visual storytelling exercises for Week 5 of the Headless ds106. I will kick things off, and we will have Giulia Forsythe there for the first […]
  9. paul bond


    There was something going on in the Lincoln reading, and I have to confes that I didn’t even pick it up until I found a related reading. He writes in a lawyerly just-the-facts manner, in comparison to Bierce, that it … Continue reading
  10. stefaniesophie

    Feeling Air, Breathing Water

    ... so I read about the idea to take a photograph of a post it note, where you can read about my biggest dream in life.I thought about it and after some time I decided the "Post"Secret assignment idea is about yearning. I have so many dreams ...
  11. cogdog

    Telling Stories Through the Lens: Week 4

    I’m on tap to help lead The Week 4 of Headless ds106, and I can tell you right now I probably wont do much. I have way overestimated the time just to prep the lessons, and probably like many participants, feel awash in all the flow of stuff folks are doing. That’s normal. But that […]
  12. paul bond

    Crime Galleries

    So one thing led to another and I ended up on Paul Dodd’s website, featuring his Models from Crime Page series. Maybe those pictures were based on the Crime Stoppers flyer, which apparently also has its own on-demand cable channel. … Continue reading
  13. karenatsharon

    Headless Horseman

    It's amazing what publishing your first sound does for you. It's gone right to my head and I am feeling downright cocky. So, this time when creating a sound, understanding the program was not as much of an issue as finding the right sound to do the Sou...
  14. rockylou22

    Communicating With My Abstract Brain (3M-DS106 Repost)

    Five Card Story: Communicating with My Scattered Abstract Brain This is a repost from “MA” an internal 3M-DS106 Salon member  a Five Card Flickr story created by MA Not too long ago, I learned about Insights communication color energies: - cool BLUE: energy for observing & thinking, - fiery RED: for taking action & directing, - sunshine YELLOW: for motivating & inspiring,  […]
  15. davebarr

    Family Expedition: DailyCreate

    A computer program to tell a story… Daily create #623 – here’s the code: And here’s the story (way down the page, after the yellow blocks): A Family Expedition Today Dave, Norma, James, Dawn, Hunter, Maggie and Pogo went for a walk in the woods They walked some more, saw some trees, saw some more […]
  16. rockylou22

    DS106 Audio Week 4 Reviews Are In

    Play AUDIO ONLY Version DS106 Headless13 Audio Week 4 Review Link to VIDEO version DS106 Headless13 Audio Week 4 Review Christina Hendricks and I volunteered to be helpers for the Headless 13 DS106 week 4 Intro to Audio – Listening. As a part of that Christina organized a Google Hangout: ds106 Radio How To Jamathon on broadcasting […]
  17. pomathorn

    Sampling the Audio Smorgasbord

    This week was challenging and eye-opening as I know very little about audio.  I listened to four parts of Ira Glass’ series on storytelling.  His comment about creating crap for a couple of years before making something good was both encouraging and discouraging.  It is demoralizing to think that it will take that long to […]
  18. karenatsharon


    So  I've been playing with sound over the last few days. It has been a little frustrating partially because tools and devices that worked when a tutorial was built in 2008 or 2010 or 2012 may not be as useful as they once were due to the ever chan...
  19. paul bond

    Mapping ideas

    One cool tool I like using sometimes is VUE (Visual Understanding Environment). It’s good for mind mapping/concept mapping, organizing thoughts, and whatever else you want to do with it. And it’s free. So here’s a quick map I started on … Continue reading
  20. rljessen

    #talkingheadless106 Week 4: Off-Task but On-Topic


    Week 4 Headless DS106 I have been thinking a lot about narrative and storytelling this week, week 4 in Headless DS106, especially collective narratives and how they evolve. Off-Task I’ve jotted down some notes about the definition of storytelling, but I haven’t yet posted about it. After reading the assignments, once, early in the week […]

    The post #talkingheadless106 Week 4: Off-Task but On-Topic appeared first on Rhonda Jessen.com.

  21. pomathorn

    Three Squealing Pigs and the Big Howling Wolf

    For my story I decided to take a well fairy tale and try to tell it with just sound effects. The sound effects were all downloaded from freesound.org, so some of the effects are not exactly as I envisioned.  The sounds of the pigs running away from the collapsed houses is actually the sound of […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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