1. @cilantro_12

    We’re Alive!

    “Da…duh…da…duh…da…duh…da…duh…da…duh…da…du…da…duh…” The sound of dramatic and melancholy music sets the tone for an intense story of survival horror. A striking piano chord suddenly cuts through the rhythmic melody followed up by the words, “WE’RE ALIVE!” There are no visuals – no pictures, no illustrations, nothing but the sound. “We’re Alive,” is a classic style radio […]
  2. @cilantro_12

    Conditions for Knowing

    In 2010 I created my very first Flickr account with the intent of becoming a refined photographer. How exactly was I going to accomplish this? By challenging myself to post one picture every day for 365 days. The idea was that I would get better at seeing the world in new ways with every snap […]
  3. @ScheltH

    Digital Critique 2: Full STEAM ahead


    Digital Critique 2: Full STEAM ahead

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is one of the major buzzwords floating around education at the moment. Many schools are being developed that have a strong STEM focus, while other schools are developing specific STEM programs within their schools. This is in response to the need to fulfill STEM jobs in the future and to develop students into critical thinkers. This year I made the…

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  4. @ScheltH

    Visual Assignment 1: Gotta Catch Em’


    Visual Assignment 1: Gotta Catch Em’

    I am a huge pokemon fan! So much so that I love to play the video game on my free time and recently, my husband and I have gotten into Pokemon Go! In order to honor my love of Pokemon and Game of Thrones, I decided to make a house sigil for Ash Ketchum, who is the main character in the Pokemon show. I decided to make the symbol for Ash’s house a Pokeball. The house words are Gotta Catch Em’ All…

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  5. @dms36963

    Visual Networks – Learning and photosharing

    Visual Networks – Learning and photosharing by Guy Merchant (DIY Media, Chap. 4, 2009) is a comprehensive  introduction to photosharing as a social network, and in particular, the photosharing service flickr.  Merchant introduces us to the idea of flickr as a “folksonomy…a body of knowledge can be built democratically through participant-users without recourse to the … Continue reading Visual Networks – Learning and photosharing
  6. @louikon

    Flickr in Education Week 3 Reading reflection

    “A picture is worth a thousand words!” According to Wikipedia this expression appears in a 1911 newspaper article.  Almost a century later the value of images takes different dimensions. Guy Merchant in Visual networks: Learning and photosharing, introduces to the readers the photosharing tool Flickr.  In his introduction the author discusses his interest in Graffiti as […]
  7. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique #2 Week 3

    The digital story I chose for this week’s digital critique is Maysoon Zayid’s TED talk “I got 99 problems … palsy is just one”.  Maysoon Zayid is an Arab American comedian who talks about her life’s achievements and challenges, as she views them through the lens of an actress, stand-up comic, philanthropist and advocate for […]
  8. @KelSanMar

    Visual Networks

    This week’s reflection is over Guy Merchant’s chapter Visual networks: Learning and photosharing The main aspect of this chapter was centered around the photosharing site Flickr. Flickr was once the photosharing site of the internet with it’s original idea of a social site devoted to photosharing. In it’s heyday, Flickr ruled the photosharing business with … Continue reading Visual Networks
  9. @mattiak11

    Blog Response Ch. 4 Visual Networks Guy Merchant (week three)

    This week’s reading was intriguing. As the author begins speaking about graffiti and the social group associated with it, I thought about my own experiences attempting to understand graffiti growing up. The graffiti artists were labeled delinquents and often associated with gangs. Most of the time charged with defacing private property. While I don’t agree&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  10. @sylvanrobert1

    Digital Story Response No. 2: “My Iligan”

    My Response to the Digital Story “My Iligan” While searching for a digital story to critique for this week’s assignment I, fortunately, stumbled upon the prize-winning story “My Iligan” produced by Arkay Timonera of the Philippines. Timonera was awarded first prize in the 2009 My Iligan digital storytelling contest held in Mindanao, Philippines. From the ... [Read more...]
  11. @edtech4sped

    Special Education: A Prison for Some

    A LETTER TO KAYLYNNFirst, the background:In her moving account of her life as a Special Education student (published via Storycorps), Kaylynn details the shame she felt as she progressed through grammar, middle, and high schools. For her, having an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), was a traumatic experience that seems to have brought her more sorrow than help.For those new to the world of Special Education, an IEP is a lengthy document detailing a student's learning disability, along with t ...
  12. @boylebou12

    Reflection on Visual networks: Learning and photosharing

    I have not used Flickr before .  I am used to other social media applications such as Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, and Imo. When I first heard about Flickr I was a little hesitant to open an account because Facebook made me afraid to share certain information online because of privacy concerns. Reading this chapter of… Continue reading Reflection on Visual networks: Learning and photosharing
  13. @AceInquisitor

    Bullying and Verbal Violence in Schools: A Digital Story Critique

    Shane Koyczan in 2013 put up a spoken word poem titled To This Day on Youtube that was animated by over 40 individuals drawing attention to the rampant bullying in schools and how it has long lasting effects on its victims. The short 7 minute video tells the story of three individuals who suffered from bullying in … Continue reading Bullying and Verbal Violence in Schools: A Digital Story Critique
  14. @dms36963

    Assignment Bank (visual) – Defamiliarize

    From the DS106 Assignment Bank (visual) – Make a set of ten photos which take something familiar to you–a town, building, object, etc.–and defamiliarize it, make it seem foreign. Use a mix of extreme closeups, weird lighting, foreground/background focusing and odd angles and other effects to make something that you know very well seem like … Continue reading Assignment Bank (visual) – Defamiliarize
  15. @boylebou12

    Meissa Samba

    For the Daily Create this week I chose to do the Assignment Bank item  Visual Assignment 1892: Can You See What I See.  I picked a picture of my wife’s eye together with this powerful message from Winston Churchill and a picture of the Nazi leader Hitler. I chose this assignment because to me it was… Continue reading Meissa Samba
  16. @sylvanrobert1

    Visual Assignment for Week 3: Room Tour

    My wife and I recently moved into this cozy little two bedroom apartment in Uijongbu-Shi, ROK. We arrived two weeks before the Fall 2016 semester commenced, so we furnished the space quickly. The computer and its monitor traveled with me as checked baggage. The day after our arrival we purchased the bookcase, desk, and filing ... [Read more...]
  17. @mattiak11

    Bucket List

    Where do I begin? There are so many items on my bucket list that I had to pause and really consider a few that would not only be fun to accomplish, but also fun to share. I composed this visual using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I would really enjoy traveling to Iceland to camp underneath&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  18. @AceInquisitor

    Reflection on Visual Networks: Flickr and Photosharing (chp 4)

    This week’s reflection is over Guy Merchant’s ‘Visual Networks and Photosharing’ chapter. Something I took away from the chapter is that it attracted me that he wrote up the whole twenty or so pages all focused on Flickr, using an enormous amount of examples and even taught you how to use the photosharing site step … Continue reading Reflection on Visual Networks: Flickr and Photosharing (chp 4)

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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