1. @cilantro_12


    How often is it that we measure our successes and achievements in life by the things we possess? In our modern day, the perception of someone doing well in life can sometimes be equated with the amount of material possessions they have – how many homes they own, the health of their stocks, what type … Continue reading Cargo
  2. @dms36963

    Reading Response – Learning to Listen

    On Friday, 12 August 2016, Sean Michael Morris gave one of two closing keynotes at the Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute held at the University of Mary Washington. The title of the talk was Not Enough Voices and can be found at – http://www.digitalpedagogylab.com/hybridped/not-enough-voices/ . There are a number of thoughts that Mr. Morris shared that […]
  3. @kelriz

    Response to “7 Things You Should Know About…”

    As a beginning blogger and digital storyteller, I thought I’d start my selected reviews with a basic piece on what I should know to get started. I selected 7 Things You Should Know About Digital Storytelling shared by the Educause Learning Initiative. Although I’m a “start with the why” kinda girl, I do appreciate that […]
  4. @dms36963

    Daily Create

    Describe in writing for someone who cannot hear, the feeling of silence Silence is the thing I cannot find.  Unlike you, there are times when I try to imagine a world without sound.  But I never find it.  Everywhere I go there is sound.  Always, relentless.  Even when I cover my ears as best I […]
  5. @klw_colorfulco

    Daily Create #2: #tdc1698 Describe in writing for someone who cannot hear, the feeling of silence

    Today’s Daily create was a challege, to describe in words the beautiful silence of this photo to one that cannot hear. Peaceful.  In one word that is what I think of.  If I were to describe the photo in deatil, I would say, “The eye can see what the ear cannot hear.  For the air … Continue reading Daily Create #2: #tdc1698 Describe in writing for someone who cannot hear, the feeling of silence
  6. @AceInquisitor

    Emerging Content for Digital Storytelling: Response

    For this response piece, I choose a blog post from the Ceros website. Ceros is a digital content creation website that hosts tools for design much like Adobe. Ashley Anderson wrote up an article that seemed interesting to me, titled 4 Emerging Interactive Content Types for Digital Storytelling. While much of the article was pandering … Continue reading Emerging Content for Digital Storytelling: Response
  7. @kadit

    DS106 Daily Create

    Here is the original. This is a photo of the Denver bikesharing station in my neighborhood. It fits well with both my blog theme and the DS106 Daily Create. Then I got to playing with my Prisma app and picked my two favorites.
  8. @kadit

    Digital Story Critique 1: Welcome to Pinepoint

    The digital story I selected is Welcome to Pinepoint. This interactive digital story tells the tale of a town that once existed but is no more. The idea came to the creators, Paul Shoebridge & Michael Simons, because Michael stumbled across Richard Coultier’s Pine Point Revisited website. Their original intent was to write a book about the death… Continue reading Digital Story Critique 1: Welcome to Pinepoint
  9. @kelriz

    Digital Story Critique 8.31.16

      Over the next several months, I’m hoping to explore what my potential future may unfold. I’m consistently being asked, “What’s next?” when it comes to my career, my family, my goals…and I have no answer. I’m honestly not sure what the future holds, but it seems like a societal norm to at least attempt […]
  10. @kelseyChadrick

    8/27 Daily Create- New Literacies

    Seeing literacy as a way that brings the world together as a whole is something I have never realized just how powerful it is Looking at literacy as a way to participate in meaningful learning, conversations, debates and sharing beliefs is what literac...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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