1. @Michael63961786

    Week 2 Summary

    I learned a few things on the articles about copyright. I found the remix video to be enlightening on how everything we make there is always heavy inspiration from something else. It was interesting how intellectual property and the laws we’ve made around it have hindered creativity. I didn’t get much out the “Show Your […]
  2. @Michael63961786

    Writing Assignment: Another Day

    I like to look at trees, the way the leaves move in the wind. I am also taken by the way light reflects off the trees leaves. The clouds are fun to look for your imagination tries to make shapes out of them. I also enjoy looking at the stars and contemplating the cosmos and […]
  3. @Michael63961786

    Show Your Work

    One of the ideas that resonated with me was “Think Process not Product”. I think we often take for granted everything that goes into the process of getting or experiencing finished products. Even something like getting fast food. How often do you ponder where the potatoes that make your french fries come from or who […]
  4. @Michael63961786


    This was an interesting video. I was unaware of all of the references used in Star wars and that Led Zeppelin had a lot of songs that had direct inspiration from other songs. Creators generally don’t mind taking ideas when their making something, but when someone tries to build of their idea the first creator […]
  5. @gannon1980s

    Week 2 – Creativity and Copyright

    This week covered a very important topic for anyone that wants to create: copyright. Being aware of copyright laws and what you’re allowed to do is important if you’re going to be creating anything. There were many great resources to help understand copyright in this week’s assignment. I wrote reflective blog posts about them here: […]
  6. @Michael63961786


    Concerning the Ghost busters and Huey Lewis copyright issue. There are definitely some similarities but I don’t think there is a case for a lawsuit. I looked at the National Geographic article and I don’t see the what problem is with Gordan Gahan’s picture and how they used it. I found the Betamax article interesting. […]
  7. @gannon1980s

    ds106 Assignments

    I did a few of the ds106 Assignment bank assignments and here are the results A Star Wars haiku: A long time ago in a galaxy far away light and dark balance and finally, I took a closeup photo of something. See if you can guess what it is.
  8. @gannon1980s

    Show Your Work Discussion

    There is an article online written by Austin Kleon describing how to share your creations with the world. I think the best idea he had was the first one: You don’t have to be a genius. This idea means that you don’t have to be experienced and you don’t need to follow in the footsteps […]
  9. @gannon1980s

    Copyright, Remixing and Digital Editing

    I read two articles regarding copyright. The first one was about Huey Lewis and the Ghostbusters theme. In 1983 Huey Lewis and the News released “I want a New Drug” and then in 1984 the Ghostbusters theme was released. After listening to both songs, it is pretty obvious how similar the songs sound. It doesn’t […]
  10. @shealanclark

    Summary week 2

    At first I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this weeks topic on copyright, but I ended up really liking it. The articles I read were great along with the documentary. They covered this very important and often misunderstood topic. I also very much enjoyed the freedom to chose what projects we worked on … Continue reading Summary week 2
  11. @gannon1980s

    Everything is a Remix Reflection

    Copyright and patent laws are a big deal in the world today. Everything is a Remix explains everything about it. I believe that creators view copyright as a roadblock that they have to try and find a way around to be able to create their works. The opposite point of view is most likely held […]
  12. @shealanclark

    Show Your Work

    I just read a great article by Austin Kleon. I absolutely love the idea of sharing your process with the world. I am one of those people who want to know the little details of what went into creating whatever is being created. We often dismiss the little things and only focus on the big … Continue reading Show Your Work
  13. @Michael63961786

    Week 1 Summary

    I learned a bit about the Christian right and their involvement in politics. I struggled in writing the story. I wasn’t sure what information was needed for it to be a good story. I don’t think I gave myself enough time to make a good story or gather the information needed. Hopefully in the weeks […]
  14. @Michael63961786

    My 80’s Story

    The Christian right movement started before the 80’s but it started to get more political spotlight in the beginning of the 80’s. It is a political group that advocated for things like anti-abortion, prayer inside school, intelligent design and many other things. Overall they support conservative values. They proved themselves to have a pull in […]
  15. @Michael63961786

    The 80’s

    I don’t know much about the 80’s but I know of some the movies that came out in the 80’s. I do find it interesting to see what kind of technology they used back then. Some of the best stories that I know of in the 80’s include Indiana Jones: The Raiders of the Lost […]
  16. @gannon1980s

    Week 1 – Bootcamp

    So, first post on the Digital Literacy Blog. There was a lot to get done during week 1 from getting accounts setup to researching 80s culture. For starters I got in contact with Dr. Genereaux to have a video conference using Zoom. It was nice being able to talk to him about this class especially […]
  17. cogdog

    A Place for KSU Digital Literacy Fall 2019

    Yep, Bill Genereux is teaching another round of DS106 at Kansas State University: A collaborative online course for developing a broad range of digital media skills to be used for telling stories including websites, photography, graphic design, audio, video, code, and mashups. We got ya set up, Bill. @phb256 @cogdog...
  18. @shealanclark

    80’s Tech

    When it comes to the 1980’s, I am drawn to the gadgets that emerged in that decade. Much of my childhood involved the VCR, NES and an off brand of the Walkman. 1980’s technology really did become a staple in our modern lives. Though now everything has been simplified to a smart phone. Here is … Continue reading 80’s Tech

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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