1. paul bond

    The NoirBird

    Tuesday night we had our second live tweet-along with ds106radio. The story was Dashiell Hammett’s classic, The Maltese Falcon, produced for Lux Radio Theater in 1943. I wondered how people would react to old time radio, with its 70 year … Continue reading
  2. cwalk350

    It’s Puppy Love

    I was hoping when I saw the title of today’s daily create, that we would get to take a picture of our puppy and upload to Flickr.  Little did I know, that it was going to be this little guy with a caption.  Fortunately, he is pretty adorable himself, and I happen to be an... Read more »
  3. mrosengrant

    DID YOU HEAR THAT?!? part 3

    In continuing our discussion of audio in film noir, let’s take a look at  Touch of Evil Opening Shot and Orson Welles – Touch of Evil (1958) – opening (NO-restored version). Let’s start with the first link: Touch of Evil Opening Shot . The...
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  4. 3lilangels

    It’s a puppy thing!

    That little depressed face! Looks so sad like he lost his best friend. And like my children I can just imagine him saying “his bone is bigger than mine” but yet they won’t discuss that there is 14-years between them or in Prince’s case the other dog could eat him as a snack!
  5. jeaton


    Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running, I have an assignment to create a 15-30 second radio bumper. This was a fun audio assignment, allowing to play with Audacity again. I first wrote down my script for what I would say exactly. After deciding on  “You’re listening to DS106 radio! Stay tuned […]
  6. sgrubbs2

    Audio Reflection

    Audio is a huge part of films and videos. It is used to set the tone, mood, and setting. It shows the feelings of characters and the surrounding environment. Sound has been an essential component of the videos we have watched. It drives the stories because it goes along with the actions happening and foreshadows … Continue reading Audio Reflection
  7. jcpds106

    Welcome to ds106radio

    Here’s my ds106radio bumper! This assignment took me a pretty long time to complete. First, I had to find the perfect song that conveyed the noir feeling I wanted. I knew I wanted to do something with a jazzy feel to it, so I looked at some of my favorite jazz musicians. I decided on this […]
  8. ahowlan2


    For this visual assignment (2 stars) I chose “glitch art” because it reminded me of some of the funny ones I’ve encountered such as the panda on Flickr. I made this picture on powerpoint and screenshotted it to put it here.
  9. ahowlan2

    Edie’s Cloud

    In this visual assignment (1 star) I created a word cloud with words about my character Eden. I chose this assignment because I wanted to see if I could make the cloud seem noir and relate to her life. In order to make it, i used this website, which is different than the one listed for the assignment. … Continue reading Edie’s Cloud
  10. ahowlan2

    Edie’s Post-its

    In this visual assignment (2 stars) I’m using my noir character, Edie Waz, as the post-it writer. Because of this, I don’t have any references to help with the context besides my older posts. Edie’s Bag, A Canary, and Her Introduction I chose this post because I thought it would be another way to build my character as well … Continue reading Edie’s Post-its
  11. jcpds106

    A noir106 live-tweet might end with a death

    I had a lot of fun during tonights ds106radio live tweet. Listening to the radio show gave me much more insight on the use of voices and sounds to convey noir, but, more importantly, I loved interacting with other ds106-ers on Twitter for the hour. It was great to see what others had to say […]
  12. jlaszako

    An Egg a Day…

    This week one of our required assignments was to do the Sound Effects Story Audio Assignment for 3.5 stars. I had a lot of fun with this one. It was the first thing I did when I downloaded audacity. I know the digital knowledge center is a great resource and if I really do get stuck […]
  13. cloehr

    Audio Reflection

    The first thing I did was listen to and read the different examples listed. Here’s my reflection on them: 1. “Touch of Evil” opening shot. These two examples compared the effects of street sound vs theme music for the beginning of the movie. Here are the links: (Street Sound) (Theme Music) For me, I personally … Continue reading Audio Reflection

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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