1. rachstanford77

    Feet in Room

    Today’s daily create prompt: I love taking pictures of my feet where I go. (Don’t ask why, I couldn’t tell you. Maybe because my shoes are cool) So, where are yours at?
  2. emmasaxophone

    Week 13 and 14 Summary

    Summary: This week I learned a few new facts about remixes and mashups and how they work. I always have know that it was technically illegal for everyone to sing Happy Birthday but I did not know how or who would be paid if you were sued. through watching the videos that explained remixes I learned and experienced that making
  3. emmasaxophone

    Assignment #4

    The fourth assignment of the week I had to do is called Dream it and Write it and is worth four stars. This assignment required you to write about a dream you have had or make one up and then remix it. The remix card said to translate the dream into another language. I chose a dream that I had
  4. jamesb

    Weekly Summary 13&14

    These last two weeks have been…. DIFFERENT! I just recently got my brand new Macbook Air, I am officially a MAC person now! I love it very much but learning how to do everything on here was a bit frustrating I should say, editing photos are a bit fun though. There are a lot of […]
  5. emmasaxophone

    Whta is a remix

    I listened to the article by Laurent LaSalle called A Remix Manifesto in this article he talks about what a remixes and mashups are and how they can be created. I did not know that you cant even use a single note from an original song without the composers permission. LaSalle talks about how the song Happy Birthday is illegal to
  6. jamesb


    This is my remix vs mashups reflection, which took me like a million tries! I kept stuttering over and over again. But I got it done and hope you enjoy it and get what I am trying to say. If you listen you will clearly understand the differences between the two. Well the person that […]
  7. calebsnow14

    Weeks 13/14 Summary

    Remix  Here’s my Remix Reflections that includes the audio of my thoughts on remixing Here’s my randomly generated Remix Assignment Remixes and MashUps this week were fun to work with and after this week I came to realize how much I had been doing these things already without really knowing it. I think Remixing is used a lot … Continue reading Weeks 13/14 Summary
  8. jbrooks5

    13/14 Weekly Summary

    Remix Assignment – Judge Judy Eyes Made Boring Other Remix Assignments Music Mash Up – 4 Stars Movie Poster From the Future Past – 4 Stars Daily Creates: @ds106dc #tdc1413 Technically several boxes, but the idea is the same https://t.co/TCZb60mjVk… Continue Reading
  9. calebsnow14

    Music MashUp

    Original Assignment I mixed together a few songs that I thought were very dissimilar and the result was pretty cool. I just uploaded all three songs into audacity and proceeded to clip and edit tracks until I had the first part down. The last part of the song is just the song “thunderstruck” because it … Continue reading Music MashUp
  10. jamesb

    Focus On One Color [Remixed]

    The focus on one color assignment looked really cool, and I had never done something like it this whole semester so I figured it would give it a shot. I immediately knew what I would take a picture of and I decided it would be a picture of half of my shoe collection. A lot […]
  11. calebsnow14

    Remix Audio

    Here I try to explain what I learned abou remixing. I think it’s funny to look back on all of the work I have done in this class and then add in the concept of remixing and it seems like almost everything I’ve done has been a form of a remix or another. I think … Continue reading Remix Audio
  12. mmatorin


    Hello Everybody! This week (or two weeks) is all about remix!! The Assignment These past two weeks we needed to explore the meaning of remixing…
  13. boscoe6393

    Week 13 & 14 Summary

    Here is the link to my Daily Creates: http://ds106.boscoe.net/daily-create/week-13-14-daily-creates/ Here is the link to my Remix Generator assignment: http://ds106.boscoe.net/remix-assignment/180/ Here...

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