1. @lucyschraff

    Week 5 Summary

    In this week of DGST 395, I learned more about coding, specifically python. I was nervous to take on this week because before taking this course, I had no prior […]
  2. @hrashhDS106

    12 Minutes: The Cop Reveals Info & Wife Reveals The Hidden Watch!: November 12, 2021

    I MADE THE COP BECOME UNCONSCIOUS! I am soooo happy! I feel like I’m getting closer to solving the puzzle. I don’t remember the exact order of events because everything was happening so fast. I made the wife flip the light switch a couple of times so when the fake cop comes he gets shocked and becomes unconscious. I snuck […]
  3. @sunglasses260


    Well, hello! This will be a pretty short post. I simply wanted to let anyone who has read my blog know that I will hopefully be putting out more content in the months to come. I’ve completed the ds106 course, but in looking back through my posts, I’ve felt inspired to do some more ds106-related […]
  4. @lkds106

    Node #2 Reflection and Summary

    Impressions of AI: A Progression (1) As we have started talking about AI my first thought was of an old website my siblings and I used to play on called Cleverbot.com. I believe that this website would be considered a form of AI because like Shane talks about in the reading, it cannot itself understand […]
  5. @gonedigital_LKDS106

    Arcade Follow-Up

    Our trip to Reclaim Arcade was truly a unique experience. It felt as though we had been transported back in time to a different decade – a simpler time when technology was more unreachable (in the best way). The decor of the CD room made me feel like I was in an episode of Stranger […]
  6. @lkds106

    Gaming Journal #2

    Oh boy. Firstly, this week was exciting because I was finally got to dive into some serious gameplay!!! I have been playing BioShock throughout the week and wow – if my anxiety wasn’t bad before it sure is now. I am playing on Easy mode because although I have played some first-person shooter games before, […]
  7. @trippthrumylife

    The Hard Truth

    “The Soft Truth” by Leigh Alexander faces the hard truth of our currently technologically obsessed society: we are constantly chasing the endorphins released from the digital world. The narrator turns to satisfying videos for an escape of the anxieties of the real world–and honestly it’s terrifying. Sure, I don’t go to satisfying videos every time… Continue reading The Hard Truth

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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