1. @lucyschraff

    Week 6 Summary

    This week, we focused on thinking about the big project, and diving into a bit more programming. One thing that stood out to me this week we read after class [ā€¦]
  2. @lucyschraff

    Week 5 Summary

    In this week of DGST 395, I learned more about coding, specifically python. I was nervous to take on this week because before taking this course, I had no prior [ā€¦]
  3. @hrashhDS106

    12 Minutes: THE HUSBAND IS THE WIFEā€™S HALF-BROTHER: FINAL JOURNAL: November 18, 2021

    Today is the final game journal, so I just really wanted to find the answers. I admit it, I had to cheat. I didnā€™t want to spend hours replaying the same loop over and over again. The polaroid helped me find out the truth about the wife. Apparently, the wife didnā€™t kill her father he half-brother did. WHICH IS HER [ā€¦]
  4. @hrashhDS106

    12 Minutes: The Cop Reveals Info & Wife Reveals The Hidden Watch!: November 12, 2021

    I MADE THE COP BECOME UNCONSCIOUS! I am soooo happy! I feel like Iā€™m getting closer to solving the puzzle. I donā€™t remember the exact order of events because everything was happening so fast. I made the wife flip the light switch a couple of times so when the fake cop comes he gets shocked and becomes unconscious. I snuck [ā€¦]
  5. @sunglasses260


    Well, hello! This will be a pretty short post. I simply wanted to let anyone who has read my blog know that I will hopefully be putting out more content in the months to come. Iā€™ve completed the ds106 course, but in looking back through my posts, Iā€™ve felt inspired to do some more ds106-related [ā€¦]
  6. @lkds106

    Node #2 Reflection and Summary

    Impressions of AI: A Progression (1) As we have started talking about AI my first thought was of an old website my siblings and I used to play on called Cleverbot.com. I believe that this website would be considered a form of AI because like Shane talks about in the reading, it cannot itself understand [ā€¦]
  7. @gonedigital_LKDS106

    Arcade Follow-Up

    Our trip to Reclaim Arcade was truly a unique experience. It felt as though we had been transported back in time to a different decade ā€“ a simpler time when technology was more unreachable (in the best way). The decor of the CD room made me feel like I was in an episode of Stranger [ā€¦]
  8. @trippthrumylife

    Coded by Cailyn

    I honestly thinkā€¦ and Iā€™m weirded out by the fact that Iā€™m saying thisā€¦ I may actually not hate coding. WHAT?! I KNOW. Before this semester started, coding was quite honestly one of the scariest things for me. Iā€™ve always done well in school, and quite honestly Iā€™ve never really struggled in the classroom. However,ā€¦ Continue reading Coded by Cailyn
  9. @lkds106

    Gaming Journal #2

    Oh boy. Firstly, this week was exciting because I was finally got to dive into some serious gameplay!!! I have been playing BioShock throughout the week and wow ā€“ if my anxiety wasnā€™t bad before it sure is now. I am playing on Easy mode because although I have played some first-person shooter games before, [ā€¦]
  10. @trippthrumylife

    The Hard Truth

    ā€œThe Soft Truthā€ by Leigh Alexander faces the hard truth of our currently technologically obsessed society: we are constantly chasing the endorphins released from the digital world. The narrator turns to satisfying videos for an escape of the anxieties of the real worldā€“and honestly itā€™s terrifying. Sure, I donā€™t go to satisfying videos every timeā€¦ Continue reading The Hard Truth

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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