1. Turn 2

    Gardner Campbell: Personal CyberInfrastructure

    The idea of change or a “face-lift” that Gardner Campbell introduces into his lecture and article is something that I think everyone no matter what level ofa  technologically savvy person you are, you definitely have experienced some sort of this change or face-lift.  Whether it was your grandparents first getting a computer to when you ...
  2. cjdigiulian

    Michael Wesch’s Presentation

    I found his little in class experiments really interesting. About half the students do not like school but none of the students said they did not like to learn. I like how he went about this like an anthropologist and tried to figure out why there was this discrepancy. The question of how to get […]
  3. cjdigiulian

    Blog of Scott Lo’s Podcast

    He has a very nice voice to listen to. I like how he went back to the source, the ds106 zone, using podcasts. I agree with him that I wouldn’t listen to any more than 5 minutes. I also like the casual atmosphere he uses while talking. The radio play interests me. I think I […]
  4. kriscorpus

    Putting Disney into focus.

    So the criteria for this assignment was to take a picture of something Disney related and focus on that particular object then blur the surroundings. I used instagrams blur feature to sort of streamline the process. LINK TO PUTTING DISNEY INTO FOCUS. ...
  5. Turn 2

    A Hazy Afternoon

      How I See You Visual Assignment Difficulty= 2.5 Stars (Listed in the description as 3) You now wear glasses, and without them everything is completely blurry. Create a 1st person image that shows how you see someone through the lenses of your new glasses. Everything outside of the glasses should be blurry. Get creative ...
  6. kriscorpus

    Larger than life.

    Basketball was a huge part of my life as a child. I entered that leagues that even awarded the worst of team. This was my first trophy. LINK TO THE LARGER THAN LIFE ASSIGNMENT. Worth 2 stars.
  7. Turn 2


      Looking At Yourself Visual Assignment Difficulty= 3.5 stars Draw, photograph, or paint your self portrait.  Make it interesting, in some way tell a story about yourself within the image.  You can use one or multiple images to complete this assignment. For this photo I used Photoshop to crop down the image, and then add ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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