1. Smore's

    What makes me laugh 2 stars

    There is very few movies that can actually make me laugh are much less put a smile on my face. But everytime I watch this scene from scary movie 2 it always makes me laugh no matter what. I have always been a fan of the wayne brothers and this is the most silliest, pointless ...
  2. Smore's

    Video mash up Beauty Queen 3 stars

    This is my video mask up of beauty queens. This has been one of my favorite assignments.I took 5 clips from movies that showed beauty queens or girl who act like beauty queens from past movies and combined it into a video clip thatwas fun and exciting to watch it gave you special sceens from ...
  3. Smore's

    Blue Violent 2012-04-10 10:12:11

    Perspective I figured a nice way to show perspective is to actually look through my glasses to see the computer screen on da106 I do it everyday were I have to look through an object to see another object Tiny eyes and Hat This is a picture of me with tiny eyes and a hat ...
  4. norihide miyazaki

    You are fighting for me

    This work is for  Animated Music Video in Video Assignments. Honestly speaking, I hardly see animations. First, I decided a music. I chose I will always love you because I just wanted show my respect for the great singer. Then, I picked out scenes from Macrosss, an old animation produced in Japan, becsuse the story is basically a romance as ...
  5. andrewjohnsonct101

    This week’s Daily Creates

    http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc90/   I take a photo of my room’s American flag through my hand. http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc88/ No better place to find geometric shapes than the titles of my own kitchen. http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc86/     Using my paint.net software, I created this red heart to represent love.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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