1. Taniesha

    Getting comfortable !

    Response to“A Personal Cyberinfrastructure”  this essay after reading it answered my question.Why do i need to create my own website and  why is my professor  pushing for my classmate and myself to learn thing on our own? The essay lets you know … Continue reading
  2. Katherine

    Expression Of Myself

            The reason why I chose this picture to represent my self is for the reason that I have learned to live and laugh and enjoy life from my roots. My family has taught me this and why i should enjoy life. I decorated this image using Picnik , the waves under ...
  3. zoechen

    To each it’s own.

    After watching the video of Gardner Campbell, “No More Digital Facelifts”, to me it  emphasizes on the value of communication and the english language. To be honest, I was little bored when I started to watch the video and as well as reading the article, but in some sense, I started to wrap my head around ...
  4. zoechen

    To each it’s own.

    After watching the video of Gardner Campbell, “No More Digital Facelifts”, to me it  emphasizes on the value of communication and the english language. To be honest, I was little bored when I started to watch the video and as well as reading the article, but in some sense, I started to wrap my head around ...
  5. Smore's

    The Gamer

    Emphasizes the detail of a human hand,This is a picture taken 3am, of my boyfriend doing what he does best: playing his play station 3
  6. Kevin Ajemian

    Cyber Infrastructure

    I don’t know where to begin, so I will begin by elaborating on what I picked up from the video. I was blown away to learn what Gardner Campbell had to say in regards to the disadvantages of Digital Facelifts and the advantages of personal development of cyber infrastructure. I realized how Digital Facelifts were bad for the online community because it would only replicate processes that were created a long time ago such as newspapers and reapplying the same process and format to the online web, with limited to no creativity or progress in development during the transfer. However, what Gardner Campbell is suggesting is that teachers and education alike propose a new way of educating and introducing younger generations into the online world; as creators. Just the same as children are introduced to the real world, children observe and interact with the things around them in hopes to someday create and partake in the same processes and roles that adults use to cultivate our world into what it is today. But now, younger generations will be able to participate and cultivate their talents and what they are good at as well as being in full control by participating in cyber infrastructure. This is just as Gardner Campbell said occurred during the release of a game called Little Big Planet. The game allows you to play and the be the creator of your own levels. The game gives you mostly all the components that the developers used to create each level and allows you to upload them to the server and....
  7. Natasha

    Gardner Campbell- A Personal Cyberinfrastructure/No Digital Facelifts

    A Personal Cyberinfrastructure Mr. Campbell seems to have a strong opinion on today’s world and their views on Technology. According to Mr. Campbell teachers should take the lead in helping their students to become more creative and proactive in their thinking when it comes to technology because as we all know, we live in a ...
  8. Smore's

    All the worlds a Stage 2012-02-09 15:10:14

    This is a picture of me and my nephew.Before he was born lat year on valentine day, I wasnt sure if i wanted to be a mother, but after seeing his face and seeing how much joy he brought into my family’s life. I couldnt see myself being a mothe one day to my own ...
  9. Smore's

    About Me

    Hello fellow Bloggers, my name is Sandra but youcan call me Sandy. Iam currently a junior at Cuny York College majoring in Social Work, I already obtained my Associates of Science in Mental Health.At Kings Borough Community College. Iam also a employee of JFK airport as a wheelchair agent.  I am a very present oriented ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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