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  1. @wade_764

    Inspiration can come from unexpected results.

    Wow, ok, this was definitely a shorter wiki post than what I was expecting. My assignment was to write about a randomly-selected Wikipedia page. The time, 1960. The place, Rome, Italy. Birgit Jensen had prepared for this event for a long time. The Olympics K-2 500 m sprint canoe event. Iā€™m not sure how many of my readers have experienced rowing, but it is the pinnacle of cardiovascular exercise and can take a lot out of a person who is not prepared. Unfortunately for Birgit, she did not fare well in this event and placed 5th. However, I like toā€¦
  2. @Bendire Thrasher

    Totally Normal Room of a Totally Normal Teenage Boy

    Written Assignment #1 There is a page on Wikipedia, called Wikipedia:Random, where you can click the link and get brought to a random page on Wikipedia. For this assignment, go to the link and then click on the words Special:Random. Whatever page you get, somehow incorporate it into a short story involving whatever theme [ā€¦]
  3. @FCMaisano

    Random Wikipedia Writing

    Here’s the URL for this assignment- and here’s the link for the Wikipedia page- There is a page on Wikipedia, called Wikipedia:Random, where you can click the link and get brought to a random page on Wikipedia. I thought it would be fun to try to combine this feature with folklore, myth, and legend. So, […]

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