1. @njchic16

    Resources for Kids

    I am adding some websites and fun things for students to do the help learn science. While they may not be book they are beneficial to learning and using with books. The link I have added is a list from a teacher of science websites that are fun for children. https://sites.google.com/a/halifax.k12.va.us/mrs-murrays-fourth-grade-science/just-for-kids-1 Brainpop is a great …

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  2. @njchic16

    Science Books

    National geographic wrote a book call “The Science Book: Everything You Need to know about the world.” This book has six different sections, one for each category with different information and pictures of animals and plants. This book provides overview information as well as more specific about certain topics. The colorful illustrations are there to …

    Continue reading "Science Books"

  3. @IezziHannah

    Week 14

    Since I have last updated you all I have been working on my final project. As I detailed in my final project write up I have created a multi media channel called the 80’s Ladies. This involved creating a subdomain and linking it to our class blog. This process allowed me to create digital, design, […]
  4. @IezziHannah

    The Final Product

    Welcome to my new subdomain for my final project! Before reading more about this project I suggest you read my first draft where I outline how this project connects. I hope you are able to look around my domain and see all the media I have created specifically for this project. This project best connects […]
  5. @jupiter_pop


    ♪ Campus walk is lined with studentsStudents who want to move, move, moveHow could all these students have so much to prove, prove, proveOh I can only ask myselfOh where are you all goingAnd won’t you take me with you toWhere all the majors are declaringUptight downtown ♪ La ‘Melody’ Roux This is it! The […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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