1. @KendraB999

    Weekly Summary #5

    This week I learned about how sound effects and different changes in sound, can tell a story. It can create a specific atmosphere, feelings, and connections. I think listening to ā€œMoon Graffitiā€ and Jad Abumrad, allowed me to grasp these concepts (Audio Reflection). The radio bumper I created for the DS106, was something that definitely [ā€¦]
  2. @MasonOberle

    Daily Creates Vol. 4

    Three more daily creates. The first one had us white out some words in a poem in order to make an entirely new one. Or, in my case, a stripped down version of the original. Next, I had to make a piece of art focused on one of the elements on the Periodic Table. I [ā€¦]
  3. @PabloMccrimmon

    DS106 RADIO

    I tuned into ds106 Radio on Wednesday evening. I had been making some rice and beans and I enjoyed a bowl of them as the episode began. I heard the jazzy bumper I made played very early on in the episode, which was fun. We listened to an old-school radio play about a creepy, possibly [ā€¦]
  4. @PabloMccrimmon


    I love Foley sound design in movies. When I was a kid, I watched the special features for some random flick and one particular segment focused on the recording of the background noise. I found it fascinating how these sound effects artists were able to emulate real life sounds using a variety of unrelated materials. [ā€¦]
  5. @HumIsDum

    Galactic Empirical Radio Bumper

    by Thomas Pulsifer As part of the assignments for week 5, weā€™ve been given the task of creating a radio bumper. Having plenty of audacity experience, I was excited to begin messing around with sound effects to see what I could come up with. Though I originally intended to create a parody of generic, obnoxiousContinue reading "Galactic Empirical RadioĀ Bumper"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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