1. @chrissy_gaul

    Places to go, Things to see

    Created Assignment #3: A collage of your favorite vacation pictures Assignment description: “Make a collage of five pictures from your favorite vacation destinations. Then upload your collage to your flickr account. ” Flickr Post What do these pictures really mean?: These are 6 of some of my favorite vacations from the past few years.  I knew I […]
  2. @aslupek40

    Hopes, Dreams, and Fears

    Hey future Andrew, This is from you ten years in the past, hopefully you have remembered writing this in the beginning of 2016 as the time has passed. Im assuming (hoping) that you are pretty successful by now, possibly working in Washington D.C. for an international foundation or internationally.  If not, I’m sure that you […]
  3. @aslupek40

    Best Sports Play

      I really enjoyed this assignment because I was able to watch tons of plays from some of my favorite athletes.  I ended up coming up with this play by Mike Trout.  This assignment also helped me learn more about GIFs, which I have always been interested in but have never really sat down and […]
  4. @aslupek40

    Favorite Song

    Hey everyone! This is one of my favorite songs I hope you can find out what it is without the words! Good luck!!!   I found this assignment to be a little more difficult than I originally thought.  I had no trouble finding the music without the words; where I found the difficulty was in […]
  5. @skyhiser

    Plot twist.. or flip.

    For the assignments, I like to just click the random button and see what comes up until something sticks out. For this one, monologue of a household tool, I read the normal assignment, had a thought that relates to my life, and decided to use the assignment to reflect that thought, however mundane it may […]
  6. @ashranclass1

    A blunt guest

    Men and women in bright server uniforms dashed about, carrying dishes piled high with delicacies from around the world. Shellfish from the great ocean to the west, pies made with exotic berries, and roast beast of all forms sat upon the long dining table, cooling to just the correct temperature prior to the grand banquet. … Continue reading A blunt guest
  7. @chrissy_gaul

    3 feet of snow? Not a problem

    Created Assignment #2: Buzzfeed Personality Quiz Assignment Description: “Have you taken one of those fun personality quizzes on Buzzfeed? Now make your own! Sign in with Buzzfeed to create a community account (you can use gmail). Then start making a quiz for people to find out which character they are. Use any characters you like. […]
  8. @skyhiser

    Not too cold to whistle…

    So, when I came across the can’t get it out of my head assignment,  I instantly knew what song I would choose. It has literally been stuck in my head for weeks, and last night I actually sat around wondering why it has been there so long. I like to remix it with baby applicable […]
  9. @mezzmello

    ABC Pic

    I was perusing through assignments the other day while at work and came across the visual assignment find yourself. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/find-yourself/ It directs us to find your name in your environment. Didn’t expect this assignment to come up. I looked behind my shoulder and lo and behold my name appeared! It didn’t actually appear. I’m an […]
  10. @mezzmello


    I decided to complete the haiku poem assignment. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/a-haiku-poem-about-a-haiku-poem/ Writing a haiku poem about writing a haiku poem seemed interesting. Being a geology major, I generally write about things with a physical existence. I don’t write about thoughts or feelings but about the immediate physical world around me. Needless to say, this writing exercise was […]
  11. @its_kellbell

    I Like to Move It, Move It

    4 years ago, I moved into Bushnell Hall for my first year at UMW (wow, I’m getting old) It was a surprisingly pretty day outside besides being extremely warm. My dad, stepmom and sisters dropped me off and helped me unpack the cars and get everything in the room. My roommate and friend, Valeria had ... [Read more...]
  12. @its_kellbell

    Assignment Heaven

    This week, we also started using the DS106 assignment bank, which I think is amazing! I love that the assignments are made by students and rated based on their difficulty. I chose to do a visual assignment, a web assignment and a writing assignment (which is it’s own post)   For my visual assignment, I ... [Read more...]
  13. @emily_toney

    Week 2

    Okay, So I am still a little confused about what we are suppose to be doing on the google docs….but hopefully after I write this post I will figure out what the heck I am suppose to do with it. Lets start by saying how much I LOVE the daily creates and the assignment bank! […]
  14. @its_kellbell

    Daily Creations

    So this week I had to use daily create for the first time! Using Twitter, I found a couple cool ones. I forgot to tweet at them for the first one, because I got too excited. These are the daily creates I chose!   Obviously, I have horrible artistic skills when it comes to drawing… #tdc1472 ... [Read more...]
  15. @mezzmello

    Informed Decisions

    I was scrolling through assignments trying to figure out which one to attempt when I came across the motivational poster one. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/motivational-poster-2/ It caught my eye due to the fact that many motivational posters nowadays floating around the internet tend to be sarcastic and funny.   At the time of creation I had been listening […]
  16. @lmccuist0

    Paper Riders

    Welcome to a tiny bull chase, featuring two inked-in cowboys and a round little bull. This GIF assignment, which has you draw an animation sticky note style and convert it into a GIF, gave room for plenty of creativity. In my own version, I wanted to capture something like the cowboy’s biggest issue in the Wild … Continue reading Paper Riders
  17. @jsteele_ds106

    Take me there

    If I had an unlimited amount of money and was able to travel anywhere in the world, my first stops would be Fiji and Greece. Ever since I watched the movie, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants I have dreamed of roaming the streets of Santorini. I have never seen an ugly view of Greece, … Continue reading Take me there
  18. @lmccuist0

    Clint Pixelwood

    Everyone, meet Clint Pixelwood, a pixel rendition of one of Clint Eastwood’s most famous Western images. I made Mr. Pixelwood during the completion of an assignment that encouraged the making of a pixel image with only a 16×16 resolution. Since I’ve never made pixel art before, this proved to be a bit of a challenge. … Continue reading Clint Pixelwood
  19. @chrissy_gaul

    Quick, do a cool move so its not embarassing

    Created Assignment #1: Celebrating too early Assignment Description:”Make a GIF when someone celebrates too early. You can use Make A GIF or any software to help you trim the video that you find into a five second or less GIF. Make sure you embed your GIF into your blog post.” via GIPHY Little bit of […]
  20. @stherria1

    Week 2 Summary

    Thankfully I adjusted my WordPress theme during week 1 so I didn’t have to worry about changing much this week (although that didn’t stop me from playing around with all the different themes). The only thing I edited was my about page. While my about description is simple, I think it perfectly summarizes my educational goals … Continue reading "Week 2 Summary"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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