Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92891 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @lper0581

    Weekly Summary 6

    This week was all about design and design elements. I liked the week a lot because design is something I really love messing around with and I’m also comfortable with doing so. I completed 15 stars of assignments…. I Completed 3 daily creates… I did a blog write up about 2 design articles… I did … Continue reading Weekly Summary 6
  2. @lper0581

    Tweet along

    I participated in the DS106 radio tweet along on Wednesday night. Professor Bond kicked off the show with a few radio bumpers (which gave me a good idea of how I wanted to do my own!) and then began the show tweeting: What I immediately found, since I had not listened to a radio show … Continue reading Tweet along
  3. @lper0581

    Radio intimacy reflections

    Jad Abumrad’s videos cover a few topics in relation to radio. Some of the things I found particularly important are as follows: the job to create a circle of connection creating a dream-state new technology enhancing old storytelling ideas familiar sound landscapes radios lacking of picture allowing for the invention of imagined pictures that connects … Continue reading Radio intimacy reflections
  4. @lper0581

    Week 4 Summary

    This week was all about visual assignments and I began the week by reflecting on my past photography experiences. Here is my blog post about it, “My Relationship with my Cannon.” I also read the assigned reading and reflected on both the types of pictures the 80’s highlighted and elements used in 80’s photography comparing … Continue reading Week 4 Summary
  5. @lper0581


    While reading “Becoming Better Photographers” I considered some of the “good photography points” that I had already implemented in some of my own pictures. These kind of things like considering foreground and background, depth, lighting , ect. are things that I have typically considered because of my background in photography. The thing I continue to … Continue reading Phototelling
  6. @lper0581

    The interactive online

    For the reading assignment section this week I read Zacharias Szumer ‘s hyptertext piece “I link, therefore I am” I thought this was a very interesting read. At first I didn’t understand what “hypertext” was or how it would be important/entertaining. While the writer used the connection of Netflix’s “Black Mirror: Bandersnatch,” it was really helpful … Continue reading The interactive online

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