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  1. @samprice_ds106

    Emotional Lyrics

    For this assignment, we had to choose an emotion and then choose 3 songs that fit to that emotion and explain why. I decided to choose the emotion “happy”. I decided to only choose songs that came out in the 80s to relate it to our theme. Here are the songs I chose! Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!–I chose this song because it is my go-to dance song and dancing is one of my favorite things to do. When I was younger, my best friend and I made up a choreographed dance for this song so this […]
  2. @samprice_ds106

    Haiku About The Breakfast Club

    For this assignment we had to come up with a haiku about a movie we’ve watched for this class. I chose to write one about The Breakfast Club because it’s a great representation of the 80s. Plus it’s one of my favorite movies. Five kids in trouble Detention on Saturday All friends in the end I focused on the fact that the main characters were all in Saturday detention and even though they were all very different, by the end of the day, they all became friends. I hope you enjoyed my haiku! PS: This was a 1-star assignment..2.5-stars to […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Letter to My Mom

    Dear Mama, Thank you for the countless hours you spend doing everything from making my lunch to making sure you’re there when I need a shoulder to cry on. You have always been my number one supporter throughout everything I do in life. You love me unconditionally, even when I am being the absolute worst. There is nothing I could do to repay you for all you’ve done for me. I’m sure having a child with Type 1 diabetes was not in your plan but you sure as hell have raised me to be the best version of myself, despite […]
  4. @samprice_ds106

    Haiku About Me

    For this assignment we had to come up with a haiku about ourselves. Here it is! My name is Sam Price (5) I like hiking and biking (7) I play frisbee too (5) Since this post was so short I decided to include a picture of me hiking that goes along with my poem. I hope you enjoyed my poem and were able to learn a little more about me! PS: This assignment was worth 2.5 points…7.5 left for the week!
  5. @samprice_ds106

    My Bucket List

    I remember when I was younger, my best friend, Kay, and I would constantly be coming up with bucket lists for us to complete. I actually still have a few of the ones we made tucked away somewhere at my parents house. Kay and I would spend all of our free time checking items off our list until we completed the list and had to start a new one. I chose this assignment because I thought it would be fun to reminisce on my childhood and also to come up with a new list for me to try and accomplish […]
  6. @samprice_ds106

    Storytelling in Sixteen Candles

    I decided to rewatch one of my favorite movies, Sixteen Candles, for this week’s assignment of exploring storytelling in the 80s. It follows Samantha “Sam” Baker on her 16th birthday. Sam goes through lots of negative events on her birth day including her parents forgetting her birthday and loosing her sex quiz that says she’s a virgin and saving herself for her love interest, Jake. In the end, everything works out. Sam gets the guy and gets her birthday cake. While watching the movie I kept thinking about the video by Kurt Vonnegut called “The Shape of Stories”. It was […]
  7. @samprice_ds106

    Week Two Summary

    What a week! I have learned and developed a lot of skills this week through the different assignments. I have really enjoyed diving more into our theme and finding ways to incorporate it into my different projects for this class. Photoshop has definitely been my favorite thing I’ve used this week. I was able to use my photoshopping skills in both my Daily Creates and Assignment Bank assignments. At the beginning of this week I was a bit nervous about the work load. It seemed a lot more challenging than the first week (which I should have assumed it would […]
  8. @samprice_ds106

    Animals Doing Funny Things

    For my last assignment from the assignment bank this week I chose an AnimatedGIF assignment. I chose to make a gif of an animal doing something funny. I knew right off the bat I wanted to make a gif with a dog in it because dogs are my favorite animals. In order to create my gif, I first had to find a video I wanted to use so I looked on YouTube at a bunch of different dog videos until I found one I liked the most. Then I uploaded it to Giphy and it did the rest of the […]
  9. @samprice_ds106

    Contradiction Creation

    For my next assignment bank for this week, I chose to do one from the design assignments. I chose one where I had to find an inspirational background and then put an anti-motivational quote on top of it. I chose this one because honestly, I thought it was super funny. I picked a 80s themed background (to keep with the 80s theme of the class) and then chose a quote that I laughed at the most. I hope you are un-motived after reading this post 🙂
  10. @samprice_ds106

    Concert You Want to Be At

    For this assignment bank, I chose to do one of the visual assignments. The instructions for this challenge was to photoshop yourself into a concert you’ve always wanted to attend. I chose to “attend” an Elton John concert. Not only do I really enjoy his music, he also went on his “1980 World Tour” in the 80s which matches our theme for the class. Although the picture I used to photoshop myself in was not from that particular tour, I still thought it was fitting. I really enjoy using photoshop so I really enjoyed this challenge. I am definitely a […]
  11. @samprice_ds106

    Week One Summary

    After this week, I am very excited for this class. Social media is something that I think I would like to do for a future job (as in manage social media accounts for whatever company I work for) so I am interested to see how I do with my social media accounts for this class. Instagram is my favorite social media and I had a fun time creating a new post and choosing what picture to use for my intro. I decided on one of me dressed in my 80s themed costume (fitting for the theme of this class). As […]
  12. @samprice_ds106

    What Do the 80’s Mean to Us Today?

    When I heard that our theme for the class was going to be 80s themed, I got very excited. I love the 80s (I have been someone from the 80s for as many Halloweens as I can remember). My mom grew up in the 80s and she always tell my sister and I stories of when she was younger and I remember being so jealous and wanting to live during the time of slap bracelets and mixtapes. And don’t even get me started on the movies that came out during the 80s…I remember wishing that I’d look out my window […]
  13. @samprice_ds106


    View this post on Instagram hi! my name is Sam (one on the right) and I am a sophomore at UMW! I am currently pursing my bachelor of arts in communications and digital studies! i’m super excited for this class (I thought my 80s the...

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