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  1. @k8lynclements

    Reflection on Radio Shows

    I have class Tuesday nights so I tuned into DS106 Radio Monday night. I got to hear my group’s show, Sweet n Sour, and SCARR Network. It was really different listening to these on the radio. I edited my group’s show so I heard it many of times, but it seemed so much better on the actual radio. SCARR Network was really interesting to listen to. There were parts that were hard to hear even with my sound all the...

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  2. @Hannah Woehrle

    Radio Review

    Tuesday night, after our “30 Minutes with Hannah Woehrle” aired,  I tuned into “Distress Signal”. Honestly it was phenomenally done. Their audio was crisp and clear, their concept was clever and well executed, they did a good job of tying in their superhero characters, and they even linked it to UMW. I think my favorite …

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  3. @melseykooring

    Radio Listen (Week Nine):

    Radio Listen It’s finally time, the moment we’ve all been waiting for – the airing of our radio shows! I was overly excited to listen to my classmates’ radio show productions this week. Unfortunately, I missed Monday’s airing due to work. However, I was able to tune into Tuesday’s airing! I specifically tuned into 30 […]
  4. @Eric Dorman

    Radio thoughts

    Listening to Sweet and Sour, I heard an interesting story well made with voice changer and sound effects. It also had a separate event concerning a hero overcoming a task which was also well done. If it had a weak point its that the dialogue felt a little emotionless at times. SCAR Network had very […]

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