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  1. @Conner44769274

    Thoughts on Theme: 2

    I’ve come back to talk about our class theme after reading everyone’s thoughts and ideas about it and after completing the assignments for week 2 of ds106. You can read my initial thoughts here. I really enjoyed seeing what everyone else had to say about “What’s Y(our) Story” and I think it’s interesting how while […]
  2. @Conner44769274

    What’s (y)our Story?

    Choosing long term themes for a class like this always terrifies me because I don’t want to get bored and burnt out of a topic. I have countless examples of projects I’ve wanted to do but didn’t stick with them because I didn’t have the motivation to keep working on the same thing for longer […]
  3. @BensonKaylie

    DS106 reflection

    This class, Digital Storytelling, was one that I had been waiting to take since I was a freshman. I was extremely excited to start! The one real regret I have about taking this class, is that I wish I was able to do it during a full semester, not a...
  4. @BensonKaylie

    vignelli thoughts

    Graphic design is something that we see so much of, we are pretty much immune to it. We see it, but we don’t look at it. Reading The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli is a breath of fresh air. I am a big fan of minimalism. I think it looks clean and nice, and just makes me feel refreshed when there isn’t a lot of clutter around. Even though minimalism is something that seems like it would be so easy to do, so mindless and simple, it actually takes so much thought and planning to make sure it comes out minimalistic, and not just lazy. Vignelli said in the very beginning of his book: “I have always said that there are three aspects in Design that are important to me: Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic.” Which is something I’m going to have to keep in mind when practicing graphic design myself. Funny enough, I am writing this in the airport while waiting for my flight to San Antonio for an internship, and I’m flying American Airlines. Lo and behold, one of Massimo Vignelli’s more well known works is the American Airline’s logo. So graphic design is always literally right in front of us at all times. You just need to look.

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