Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92872 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Tyler Hart

    Find Your Back to School Motivation!

    Back to School is right around the corner! This is the time when educators really start hearing and seeing amazing motivational speeches to get them pumped for the upcoming year. One of my favorite educational based motivational speeches comes fromĀ Rita PiersonĀ titledĀ Every Kid Needs a Champion. If you havenā€™t seen this one, I highly suggest watching ā€¦ Continue reading ?
  2. Tyler Hart

    Banning Fidget Spinners in the Classroom? Why????

    The Fidget Spinner crazeĀ that is blowing up all over the United States has had me intrigued. Ā It is even a huge at my small little Sandston Elementary SchoolĀ in Sandston, Virginia. Ā Some teachersĀ are banningĀ fidget spinnersĀ from their classrooms because they are causing distractions, some teachersĀ are allowing a select few students to use them at certain times, and ā€¦ Continue reading ?
  3. Tyler Hart

    Word Problem Haikus

    April is #NationalPoetryMonth, so why not try a fun lesson with poetry ANDĀ math?!Ā Try integrating Haikus into your Math Unit! Many times I see students struggling to come up with an idea for a poem, such as aĀ haiku. Writing Haikus has just taken on a whole new purpose with trying to write word problems in the ā€¦ Continue reading ?
  4. stellameme


    This is the landing page for Stella Meme’s SPLOT sandbox. Currently there is only one splot installed: the image collector, created for first year VISA course. Will update as new SPLOTs move online. What’s a SPLOT, you ask? Blame cogdog.

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