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For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a teacher. I used to play school with imaginary people and stuffed animals and thought it was the best thing ever. When I taught my teddy bears and baby dolls I just knew that one day I would be teaching real students instead. …
Everyone has someone who they admire or who inspires them. For this assignment, write about that person and why you admire them.” I am going to talk about an individual who has inspired me in a short term aspect. This person was introduced to me not to long ago. He is very well known and… Continue reading My Inspiration for DS106
Who Inspires You: My Dad We all have a family member that inspires us, I have multiple, but for the sake of this assignment I had to chose one. One of those people that inspires me, is my Dad. Many people choose celebrities or people with some sort of fame, though I figured why not […]
I’m not even going to lie, coming up with who to write about for this assignment was A LOT harder than I thought it would be. Not because I couldn’t think of someone who inspires me, but because I couldn’t just think of one person. So I’ve decided to write about all the people who… Continue reading Who Inspires Me the Most?
Who Inspires You If you‘ve read my about me page or any of my assignments, (because half of them are about him) you would know that I work for a boy with a cognitive disability and he is my entire world, so who else would I write about here. I have a lot of insecurities… Continue reading Week Three Writing 5
For one of my journal prompts, I was instructed to take a moment to watch someone I’m grateful for and focus on them for 10 minutes. Nothing else. No eating or drinking. No television on. Nothing but that individual. If possible, I wasn’t supposed to interact with them, instead just observe them without them noticing. […]
Who Inspires You Someone who inspires me is Gary Vaynerchuck because he is brutally honest about how life is and how you need to be in order to make money and live the life you want. He doesn’t care about what others think of him at all and he preaches that you shouldn’t care what…
There are many people who inspire me, from people I know directly and people I don’t. My parents inspire me everyday. My siblings shock me everyday with how much they inspire me. My friends, which I haven’t seen in awhile, inspire me. Ruth Bader Ginsburg inspires me (she’s badass), Lizzo inspires me, Lupita Nyong’o inspires ... Read moreWho Inspires Me?
This writing assignment I chose is called Who Inspires You where you have to choose someone who you admire or who inspires you and write about them and why you admire them or why they inspire you. I chose to write about Steve Jobs because he is a very inspirational person to me. Also, I […]
There are many people that I deeply admire and who inspire me. But the woman who inspires me the most, is Emmeline Pankhurst. She was a woman’s suffrage activist who lived from 1858-1928. Her life was filled with endless acts of selflessness tow...
I was actually most recently inspired by the entire situation with Nike and Kapernick. Everyone will have their own opinion, and I very much respect that. For me personally though, this story has been truly inspiring given his journey (that I’m sure we don’t know every single detail about) and how he basically had to …
My dad is my biggest inspiration. He is such a kind, giving, and intelligent man. He has built his life around his faith and strength in his family. He built a successful, commercial construction company from the ground up, enduring and recovering from two massive heart attacks and numerous other struggles. He could have given …
There are many people I find inspiring either by what they say, what they do, or both. Let’s talk about what some have done. George Washington and Cincinnatus- Almost two thousand years separate these two men but are united commonly by humility and by an incredible strength; the strength to voluntarily give up power. In […]
Many people inspire me. Anyone form my parents to an athlete on tv. But one person who particularly inspires me is my Grandmother. Her name is Elaine Gardner. She graduated for the UMW in the the fifties while it was an all girls school with a major in chemistry. She is the smartest person in […]
Who Inspires You – Batdad Edition: *This week we were asked to connect our class theme (superheroes) to one of the writing assignments we complete. When I saw this assignment, I thought it would be the absolute best one to make that connection. Dear Batdad, They always say a girl’s first love is her dad […]
Each and every time I am asked who I am most inspired by I always think of one person in particular, my grandma. When my sister and I were little my grandma was always there to watch us while our parents worked full time jobs. Normally children hated to be babysat, but we always looked forward to it. She would video tape us dancing, singing, or interviewing us. We would sit at the table and drum up ideas for new...
Hello Everyone, the person that inspires me most is definitely my Mom, Ellen Burns. My Mom has been a constant companion of mine since the day I was born; she has taught me valuable life lessons which are unparalleled to anything else I have ever learned. Not only is she an amazing mother, she is […]