1. @Reagan Hotz

    Why do I Love the Bass?

    Picking a favorite instrument is like picking a favorite kid or a favorite pet. Everyone says you shouldn’t do it, but everyone secretly does it anyway. This is my response to the My Favorite Things to Do assignment, worth 3.5 stars. I had to record a video of myself engaged in my favorite hobby. I […]
  2. @BigWillyM9001

    Week 9

    These last couple weeks have been crazy busy for me, and I wasn’t able to listen to the radio show when it actually aired. Thanks to Dr. Genereux for uploading the show to his soundcloud so I could listen when I had time. Overall I really liked the show, made me laugh even though I … Continue reading "Week 9"
  3. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 9

    This week was a much easier week, which I loved. We didn’t have to do much besides adjust a few things on the radio show and add a few bumpers. This blog post will primarily focus on what went well and not so well on the radio show and multiple other aspects of the experience. […]
  4. @Reagan Hotz

    Week 9: Shh Listen!

    This week, I was assigned to listen to radio shows created by students from various schools including my own during a radio broadcast. I wrote about the experience in a blog post. I also was assigned three daily creates. First, I explained why I write. I think my response explains itself pretty well. @ds106dc I […]
  5. @Reagan Hotz

    Radio Show Final Thoughts

    On Wednesday 10-19-16 at 7:30 pm, I listened to the radio shows created by students from other schools as well as my own classmates. All the shows were very different from one another, but they were connected by a common thread in the form of a focus on the internet. I also live tweeted the […]
  6. @BigWillyM9001

    Week 8

    So we got everything recorded finally, I think it went great, everyone sounded good, and I know I had fun doing it. I didn’t get to listen to the live show because I had work, but my professor uploaded a copy to his soundcloud, and I’ll give that a listen this week.
  7. @mdseim

    Week 8 Summary

    Week 8 was a fun week. The class stitched together the radio show for ds106 Tuesday afternoon. We all had separate parts to edit that we mashed together to make the final product. Reagan and I did most of the stitching together as the class supervised. I think the radio show turned out to be … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  8. @KylieHeronemus

    10/17/2016 Weekly Summary

    Daily Creates: https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/10/17/daily-create-birds-with-arms/ https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/10/17/daily-create-ds106-rules/ https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/10/17/daily-create-looking-for-something/ Radio Show...
  9. @KylieHeronemus

    Daily Create – Looking for Something

    As we all know, the only thing I’m looking for is a nap. So since that one was pretty obvious, I decided to help Plankton’s voice actor look for his pencil. @ds106dc #tdc1744 #ds106 In search of…MY PENCIL. pic.twitter.com/KBixH2RqqE — Kylie Heronemus (@KylieHeronemus) October 17, 2016  
  10. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 8

    This week was all about completing our radio show. Leading up to this week we really didn’t have a very good plan for the show. So Tuesday’s class consisted of us throwing out ideas that we think would be easy to do and edit, but not boring to listen to. There were multiple ideas, but […]
  11. @Reagan Hotz

    Week 8: Radio part 2

    This is the second week my digital media class spent on radio. The radio show will be posted in its entirety when everyone has finished editing their snippets and when all the transitions and breaks have been added. This post details my personal contributions. I was also required to leave 12 comments this week. See […]
  12. @Reagan Hotz

    Week 8 Comments

    These are the comments I left this week. I mostly left witty replies to daily creates. Keep in mind, my idea of wit may be very different from yours. @brimac106 @ds106dc @justin_zamecnik That could be a photo of just about anything! — Reagan Hotz (@Hotz_Digital) October 15, 2016 Radio Show Progress @brimac106 @ds106dc I can […]
  13. @Reagan Hotz

    Radio Show Update 2

    We are creating a radio show in my digital media class to be broadcasted on the ds106 radio station. On thursay, we went to the school recording studio as a class to record our responses to “questions for millennials.” I edited a short snippet of it. I have also created some additional content for the […]
  14. @mdseim

    Combining Lynard Skynard and Shinedown’s versions of “Simple Man”

    The Combining Covers assignment has me combine a cover of a song with its original. I chose “Simple Man” by Lynard Skynard and Shinedown’s cover of it. I ended up spending more time that I wanted on it, but I extended my work time because I enjoyed doing this assignment. Going into this assignment, I … Continue reading Combining Lynard Skynard and Shinedown’s versions of “Simple Man”
  15. @mdseim

    Guess This Song

    For the Favorite Song Assignment, I’m suppose to choose my favorite song, remove the vocals, and see if people can guess the song by listening to only 30 seconds of the song. Choosing which song is my favorite is nearly impossible for me, so I chose a song that I have been very fond of … Continue reading Guess This Song
  16. @BigWillyM9001


    To be honest, I don’t expect or even want feedback on my own work, at least not from people I don’t even know, so that’s why I comment so little on others work. I’m just not a social guy, online or in the real world, and social media is a foreign concept to me, I … Continue reading "Commenting"
  17. @mdseim

    Week 6 Summary

    Ah yes, such a frantic week. This week I learned that general design is one of my strong points. I’m able to work up a design fairly quickly, and I think I do a good job in making things pleasing to the eye. This weeks assignments: “Create an App Icon” “Missing Person” “Create a T-shirt” … Continue reading Week 6 Summary
  18. @mdseim

    “Create a T-Shirt” Assignment

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-a-t-shirt/ This assignment asked me to create a T-shirt. Since I have recently finished “Stranger Things”, I decided to design a shirt that has one of my favorite scenes of the series on it. I created a silhouette of each character of the scene and turned it gray. Using Adobe Illustrator, I image traced the … Continue reading “Create a T-Shirt” Assignment

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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