1. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 6

    This week was a busy one once again. We were assigned ten stars worth of design assignments. I was able to get all ten stars with three assignments. We were told to look for some elements of design in the real world. We had to go out and find good uses of color or spacing, […]
  2. @KylieHeronemus

    10/03/2016 Weekly Summary

    Following is each blogpost I created for the Design week of Digital Media: Daily Creates: Daily Create – Circles in Circles https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/09/30/daily-create-circles-in-circles/ Daily Create – Old Books I Dare Not Part With https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/09/30/daily-create-old-books-i-dare-not-part-with/ Daily Create – NASA Frog https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/10/01/daily-create-nasa-frog/ Assignment Bank: Assignment Bank – Good Ol’ Nostalgia https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/09/30/assignment-bank-good-ol-nostalgia/ Assignment Bank – Cartoon Head https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/09/30/assignment-bank-cartoon-head/ Assignment … Continue reading 10/03/2016 Weekly Summary
  3. @justin_zamecnik

    Name That Single

    This assignment was a pretty easy one. The instructions are to take any song you want and make a symbol for it. I chose the song STFU by Blackbear for my assignment. This assignment was worth two stars, which puts me at ten for the week. As I said before the assignment was very easy […]
  4. @KylieHeronemus

    Assignment Bank – Minimalist Poster

    As another project, I created another poster. This assignment asked us to create a minimalist poster of a television show or movie – which I kindly ignored – and made a minimalist poster for my favorite video game – Bioshock. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/minimalist-tvmovie-poster/
  5. @KylieHeronemus

    Assignment Bank -Typography Poster

    So originally this was supposed to be a poster of lyrics but I didn’t really read the description, I just saw “Typography Poster” and agreed. For this assignment, I created a typography poster dedicated to something I love – coffee. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/lyric-typography-poster/
  6. @BigWillyM9001

    Triple rocktroll lyrics

    This one was fun. On the website, their example was a picture of nickleback, which made me the of their song “we all wanna be big rock stars”. I figured putting that on a picture of Elvis and attributing it to Bob Dylan would be pretty fun(and I was right). Here’s the end result:
  7. @Reagan Hotz

    Don’t Break Your Back

    This is my response to the Motivational Poster assignment, worth 3 stars. I had to design a motivational poster with a picture and a quote. I used Inkscape. Actually putting this little project together was very easy. The hard part was deciding what to do. There were so many possibilities and I didn’t want to […]
  8. @Reagan Hotz

    Just Like a Mirror

    This is my response to the A Digital Reflection of Myself assignment, worth 3.5 stars. I had to produce a digital doppelganger of myself. I used my Nintendo 3ds to create a Mii based on myself. I couldn’t figure out a way to take a screenshot with the 3ds, so I too a photo of […]
  9. @KylieHeronemus

    Assignment Bank -Cartoon Head

    Hello again, assignment bank stuff again. I chose something simple to do again. This features my friend Brianna because really what would my life be if I didn’t make her into some gorgeous artwork. For this assignment we were to change the head of a person or animal into a cartoon character – http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/cartoon-the-head/
  10. @KylieHeronemus

    Daily Create – Circles in Circles

    On September 28th, #ds106 created a daily create asking it’s followers to post an image of circles in circles. I decided to post this image: This image was created by Wassily Kandinsky. @ds106dc #tdc1725 circles in circles #ds106 pic.twitter.com/4kDvuCnl74 — Kylie Heronemus (@KylieHeronemus) September 28, 2016  
  11. @justin_zamecnik

    Trading Card

    This assignment was a fun one for me. The assignment was easy to follow, but was very time consuming. All I had to do was make a trading card for a movie, and the movie I chose was Mad Max Fury Road. This assignment was worth four and a half stars, which puts me at […]
  12. @brimac106

    What Single is This?

    For the assignment, Name That Single, the action was to “Create a design for a favorite song by using just simple designs and NO WORDS.” Which I wouldn’t think would be too hard to do. I have plenty of favorite songs, I thought. I thought wrong. It took me forever to finally pick a song. […]
  13. @brimac106

    Meaningless Quotes

    Alright, so for this assignment, Favorite Movie Quote, the main action is to take one of your favorite movies and put a quote from that movie over an image from that movie.Simple enough right? Well I decided to do one from my all time favorite movie, which is Hannibal Rising. I was kind of weird […]
  14. @Reagan Hotz

    DesignBlitz: Going on a Visual Rampage!

    I went on a DesignBlitz this week, I rode around on my unicycle taking pictures of examples of design in search of good use of the elements of design: space, shape, line, texture, color, form, value, type, symbols & metaphors, balance, rhythm, and unity. Here are some of the beautiful sights I encountered in my travels! This Napa […]
  15. @brimac106

    Rocket Lan

    For this assignment, Event Advertising, we had to create a poster advertising an upcoming event. Since I already do this a lot, I thought I would just put a poster that I have already made for an upcoming event. You see, I am an “officer” of the KGB (K-State Gaming Board) and I am the […]
  16. @justin_zamecnik

    New Logo’s

    I found this assignment on the ds106 website. The instructions were simple, create a simple logo for something. I could make a random logo for something fake, but I decided to upgrade the logo I had for my J.T. Blog & Design pages. The logo is shown above and is much better than the original […]
  17. @mdseim

    Radio Show Ideas

    I have a great idea for an internet radio show that my classmates and I could do. The show would essentially just be about pop culture. It would be about things that us nerdy digital media students could talk about for days. This could include things like Star Wars, Doctor Who, music taste, or even … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  18. @mdseim

    What Andy Mckee’s “Drifting” Means to Me

    Assignment link: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/what-a-song-might-mean-to-you/ This assignment asked me to record myself explaining what a song means to me. The part of this assignment that made me thing the most was deciding which song to talk about. I’m a music fanatic, so there’s a whole library of songs that are meaningful to me. Thus, I decided to go … Continue reading What Andy Mckee’s “Drifting” Means to Me

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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