1. scottc1094

    So you want to take DS106?

    If would were like me, you may be thinking of taking DS106 to get your art credit out of the way. DS106 truly was a fun and educational class to take, but you shouldn’t go into it thinking that you will be able to breeze by without putting in some serious work. This class took up… Read More
  2. mmiranda

    Have fun…

    The most important thing to remember when taking DS106 is to have fun and that you are never wrong you just make it in a different way. I learn a lot through out this class, I am a very shy person and this class took me out of my comfort zone. Another advice, do not … Continue reading Have fun…
  3. mmiranda


    I did not remember we have to do it by Friday and for this reason, I will apologize and I will only post one tutorial I need before which is related to a assignment. We needed to explain our mother to use technology I choose it to do a tutorial of sharing desktop while recording … Continue reading Tutorials….
  4. ewindley

    Words of Wisdom

    Reflecting back on my own trials in this class I will leave you with three parting suggestions that might have made things go a little smoother for me. I wish I had made myself a cheat sheet for the simple things I kept forgetting.  It would include the following: Post the weekly work into Canvas. … Continue reading Words of Wisdom
  5. ewindley

    TDC Idea

    Find or take a picture of someone who can be recognized even when showing only one body part (that is not their face).  Such as Santa’s hand reaching for cookies, Ronald McDonald’s feet, Big Birds tail . . . you get the idea.  Tweet and share your image. Merry Christmas!
  6. nforknal


    All I can say is this is the final weekly summary! The end is in sight! We all made it through a tough semester full of ds106 work. I can say that I am glad it’s over, but next semester,... Continue Reading →
  7. feliciads106

    Tutorials Ideas

    Tutorial 1 Bring Your Pet to School (Visual Assignment 3) 1. First, take/find a photo of your school that you want your pet to go to. 2. Find you pet’s cutest picture that you are going to use in the assignment. 3. Upload your school picture as the background by open the GIMP ->File->Open 4. […]
  8. feliciads106

    2 Assignments Idea

    Assignment Idea 1 Bring Your Pet to School (Visual Assignment 3) Do you miss your pet while you are in school? Do you ever wish that you could bring your pet to school with you? This tutorial assignment will allow your dreams to come true. You can use GIMP or another photo edit software to […]
  9. ahardy2

    Final Project

    These past two weeks were pretty exciting for me, I was able to pull together my final project, which is the video link above. It interprets my love for technology and all the gadgets that I now possess. What I was hoping to portray in the video is my dependency on all of my electronics and … Continue reading Final Project
  10. feliciads106

    Final Project

    Emily is a sweetheart to her parents. She will turn nine years old in a month. Her parents want to host a big birthday party for her. Her mother, Judy, has been planning this party for months, just to have Emily be happy and enjoy her birthday with all her friends. She booked a pony […]
  11. gcaron

    Weekly Summary Final Week

    As for my summary of the week, I think it went pretty well. I am satisfied with my work and my time management of the project. I think everything went smoothly (besides the audio part of course) and now it is time for my to create my daily creates, tutorials, and assignments. I spent most […]
  12. gcaron

    Advice for Future Students

    ADVICE FOR FUTURE STUDENTS: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY TO DO THE WORK No but seriously. I literally did this every week and I told myself every week I wouldn’t do it the next week. It really made things so much harder. The work is not that bad if things get done in a timely […]
  13. gcaron

    Tutorials and Assignments Created by Me

    Assignment Tutorial and Created Assignment 1 Assignment Tutorial and Created Assignment 2 Creating the assignments was easier than I thought it was going to be. I think throughout the semester I kind of had ideas in my mind of things I would want to do so coming up with ideas really wasn’t that hard to […]
  14. gcaron

    Dear Future Husband

    Dear Future Husband, Our future can be found in a mixture of the new Megan Trainer song “Dear Future Husband” and the song “Forever and Ever Amen” by Randy Travis. It should be the perfect mix of fast and happy and slow and romantic. But also it should be a mix of the versus from […]
  15. gcaron

    That’s Not What I Expected

    I created my own assignment for this category. I chose to do a visual assignment where you had to take a picture of something close up and have other classmates guess on the object in the picture is. For this picture, I took it of something that could be used around the house. Something maybe […]
  16. gcaron

    Final Project and Final Week

    This class I think has been pretty interesting and it was a lot of work but it was enjoyable work. I’m glad to see it come to an end but going to miss the cool things I got to learn at the same time. For my final project, I decided to do a love story […]
  17. gabatron15

    DS106 Advice

    My approach for giving advice for the future students was to create a YouTube video a diary if you will of all that I have learned and how to approach this class! I hope that what I said in the video will shed some light on what is in store for them for this class […]
  18. gabatron15

    TDC ideas!

    Here are two screen shots of my future daily create ideas! I hope that at least one of them will eventually show up for the future digital storytelling classes. The first is dealing with your weakness when it comes to food. The task is to take a picture of the food and create a love […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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