1. catalinardeg

    Haiku Me, Haiku You

    Haikus can be fun Haikus can also be dumb This is the latter You must begin with five Then you upgrade to seven And then you regress These are lots of fun And when you read them out loud Your friends will smile
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Week 03 Summary:

    I will start off my saying I think I may love this class so far. This class has actually been pretty fun and is the most exciting course that I am enrolled in this semester. I have definitely been enjoying all of our weekly assignments and am learning an abundance of new information each week. […]
  3. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Vonnegut- The Lottery

    The Shape of Stories by Kurt Vonnegut was different and interesting to watch. I feel like Vonnegut interprets stories in a totally different way than most of us do. I attempted to apply Vonnegut’s method to “The Lottery”. The way that Vonnegut expresses stories has a more straightforward and plain explanation. At the beginning of […]
  4. ahardy2

    Dream Vacation!!

    My dream vacation would take place in Cancun, Mexico with my son and daughter. We would swim with the Sharks and go snorkeling. I would love to go deep sea diving to see all the beautiful fish and underwater plants. Me and my family would go speed boat racing  and then we would go and … Continue reading Dream Vacation!!
  5. audyg1rl

    Empire Extras

    Extra Extra Read All About It Empire Season 1 Episode 1 Location: Meeting Room No Name Attire: Black suits Age: About 30-50 years old Lines: None
  6. headreaper

    Mission Kimpossible

    (^A classic song for a classic show^) I Can’t Stop by Flux Pavilion For my daily create 9/11/15 I took the movie title Mission Impossible and added a letter to make it Mission Kimpossible! @ds106dc #tdc1342 Mission Kimpossible pic.twitter.com/nds6OJwbIl — Head Reaper (@TheHeadReaper) September 11, 2015
  7. adyke

    Host Character

    The man that speaks the mind of the Aaron Adventure is one of scatterbained-ness. This dialogue flows together and thoughts seem to clump in a way where the structure seems to be a mix between a babbling homeless man and a great intellect. Stating Things that have great thought behind them in a barrage of … Continue reading Host Character
  8. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates:

      THE BITTLE MERMAID 🐠💁🏽🐬 #[email protected]/bqGtxcFnjr — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 11, 2015     Not all oceans are big,blue,and have an abundance of fish.My ocean was shaped like a circle, green, and only had two ducks #tdc1341@ds106dc — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 10, 2015     Crab- Can you just be quiet for one […]
  9. jamerive

    Today’s lunch…

    With Instagram down, I suppose it’s still my duty to inform my loyal audience of my most delicious meal. Fortunately for you all my literary chops have granted me the ability to give you what you’ve asked for! I made myself a delicious pasta today, starting with a homemade tomato sauce seasoned with oregano, salt, … Continue reading Today’s lunch…
  10. jamerive

    Visual Assignment — Who?! Where?!

    SHOCKING: Apparently pop star Ellie Goulding is just as magical as we all assumed! That’s right, folks, our beloved singer was recently seen being summoned forth from an ornate lamp, surrouded by billows of smoke and throat lozenges. GO TO PAGE 34 FOR REST OF STORY.  
  11. kmgeckle

    Daily Creates week 3

    1st DC: https://twitter.com/KaitlinMarieG/status/641660276501311488 2nd DC: https://twitter.com/KaitlinMarieG/status/642104140806639616 3rd DC: https://twitter.com/KaitlinMarieG/status/642421622968819712  
  12. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Meet Blair!

    Hello all, My name is Blair and I am twenty-three years old. I have dark hair and very pale porcelain skin. I am shy and am not much of a talker so being a host character is going to definitely be taking me out of my comfort zone. I was kindly asked to be the […]
  13. scottc1094

    Week 3 Summary

    Week 3 was another good week in ds106! We had a lot of different assignments, which allowed me to to delve into many different categories of work. This week I completed 3 daily creates. This included cheering Kelsey up, @ds106dc #tdc1339 Hope this cheers you up! @KelseyStanbro pic.twitter.com/sHntBd8ghM — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 8, 2015… Read More
  14. scottc1094

    Horror Stories

    For this assignment, one of the stories that I read was ‘The Lottery’, by Shirley Jackson. I had read this story back in grade school, but for the most part had forgotten the details of it. Personally, I think that this story is more full of surprise and betrayal, than it is of horror. This… Read More
  15. scottc1094

    The Shape of Stories

    The Shape of Stories by Vonnegut was a very interesting watch, and was something that I had never really thought of before. For this assignment, I will be applying Vonnegut’s method to the ‘Last Respects’ comic from the readings this week. Here is a quick sketch I attempted to make to help visualize the process:  … Read More
  16. gabatron15

    Monologue Of A Household Tool

    This is my writing assignment based on the story from the Twilight Zone with The Dolls and tied it in with the household tool. This is worth 4 and a half stars. I am the one you used to build your house. When we first came you and I were the best of friends you said […]
  17. kmgeckle

    Noticing the Extras

    Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 18 Scene 1: No extras! Scene 2: No extras! Scene 3: Private school setting Many extras in classroom All wearing different variations of gray and navy uniforms (sweaters, plaid skirts, blazers, khakis) All talking amongst...
  18. kmgeckle

    Losing my Memories

    When I read this assignment I honestly got super excited but sad at the same time. Excited, because I can actually relate to it! But sad because unfortunately, I lost my memories. During the summer of 2006, I traveled to...
  19. gabatron15

    Instagram is Done..Describe your Lunch to me

    For this Writing Assignment I am going to describe my favorite lunch that I have during the week. This is rated four stars! For lunch I had a burrito bowl from Qdoba! I start out with the white rice that includes parsley and lime juice to add a little flavor to the bland rice and […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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