1. myoung3

    You’ve heard of the reapers scythe, now let’s talk about his arch.

    I used the story Grim Reaper from this week’s offerings I like this because it doesn’t quite fit into those curves. First, I have to decide who the main character is. I think William Shatner is. He starts above average because he has an apartment in the city, he is successful, and he has a … Continue reading You’ve heard of the reapers scythe, now let’s talk about his arch.
  2. cherishamari

    I’m such a hopeless romantic.

    Share a quote (or quotes) from a reading you’ve done and explain what interests you about it. (2 Star Assignment) ““You can’t live your life for other people. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.” -Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook “The Notebook”, is by far my favorite […]
  3. cherishamari

    Before I die.

    Have you ever made a mental list of things you wanted to do or try or jokingly said “That’s going on my bucket list!” Well, now is the time to stop messing around and actually make a bucket list. Write down a list of at least five things that you want to do or try, […]
  4. cherishamari

    Crack kills.

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Quite often we see pictures on different social media outlets. They are funny, awkward, or beautifully portrayed moments but we don’t know what led up to that point in time. Your task for this assignment is to find a picture and write a background or short story for […]
  5. cherishamari

    Roller coaster ride.

    We were asked to watch Kurt Vonnegut’s on the Shapes of Stories and then relate it to one of our past readings. I chose to do Ghastly McNasty’s “Last Respects From Tales From the Cyrpy #3” which is basically a love story told by a wicked witch. However, I think this is as far from any […]
  6. adyke

    Sleep Over Time!

    You know that great moment in sleep overs talking with your friends on their bed and then calling the cuties in your class? Uma Thurman and Obama do! I Obama-tized Pulp fiction to get this great photo of Obama and Uma Thurman having a classic sleep ov...
  7. scottc1094

    Bucket List

    Assignment I’ve never really had a bucket list for my life, but this assignment has challenged me to do just that. The first thing on my list would be to visit all 50 states at least once. I have always loved traveling and seeing new things, but have only had the chance to visit states on… Read More
  8. scottc1094

    Welcome to Paradise!

    Assignment My dream location would involve somewhere on a beach, and preferably an island. Mainly, it would be a place where I could totally get away from all the distractions of daily life. Here are some images of what I think that place would look like: I would bring my family and close friends along,… Read More
  9. nforknal

    Computers are Evil

    Your computer crashed and you lost all your files? OH NO!!!!! *Sigh* If only Harry could bring them back… If only.. But really, if he could, THAT WOULD BE EPIC!! Good luck Kelsey!
  10. mmiranda

    Dear Diary

    September 8, 1989 Dear dairy; Another boring day at the bottom of the ocean, how sweet will be to be able to walk the earth with the humans. I think it will be able to experience new thing and people may like me. Here, I am hated because I am octopus witch. I got a … Continue reading Dear Diary
  11. mmiranda


    So my mistake I erase my introduction while during the categories. Sorry I tried to put everything back but I do not know if I am missing something.     <blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Hi class, hope to have a great time and experience a lot of new things. If I am doing something wrong … Continue reading Introduction
  12. headreaper

    They Said… >=[

    This was my daily create for today 9/7/15. The challenge was to write a caption for the picture so I made the crab super adorable and added the thought bubble with the online photo editor Pixlr!
  13. cherishamari

    Congrats, thats pretty scary.

    This week we were asked to analyze at least two types of horror, I chose The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and Boris Karloff’s Thriller S01E37 “The Grim Reaper”. I purposely chose the short story and the tv  show because they both accomplish the same thing but through different means. Jackson, uses irony throughout her plot. I […]
  14. braze

    Buy Me A Bucket

    For this writing assignment from the assignment bank I had to write a bucket list that could have been legit or illegitimate. I actually started a bucket list in high school with stupid stuff on it, most of which I have already completed, and just add onto and check off of it as I go … Continue reading Buy Me A Bucket
  15. ewindley

    By sea, sun, and sand

    Outer Banks, NC When I retire and can pick anywhere to live out my golden years, I would chose a place like the Outer Banks in North Carolina.  This area offers a sense of remote solitude and some of the most beautiful waterfront properties available anywhere.  Enjoying the sun, relaxing and reading a book would be a little slice … Continue reading By sea, sun, and sand

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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