1. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary 2

    Week two is officially done! I have had to the pleasure of recapping the world of Open Sourcing but with the twist of the origin of the Slender man. Open Sourcing which I had learned in a previous class with Paul Bond and Jim Groom was a refreshing article to read since I had a […]
  2. adyke

    Nicki meeting with the Royal Family

    In a momentous occasion popstar icon Nicki Minaj meets with the Royal family and President Obama to talk about foreign policy! EXCLUSIVE PHOTO BELOW: This was done for the photo assignment Popstar out of place ds106 assignment worth 4 stars
  3. emorelleum

    Walking the Narrow Ledge

    Another week, another day of barely hanging on. between school, a part time job, and severe anxiety attacks when having to use social media interfaces (only exaggerating a little, maybe one day I will rant on this), it is a miracle that I am still lucid. Contrary to what the timestamps seem at first glance, […]
  4. cherishamari

    Week Two

    This week was a lot EASIER, thankfully. However, I feel like this week entailed a little bit more than last week but thats expected. I took some very important advice and started early, I believe I starting the assignments for this week early truly helped me. I definitely didn’t feel rushed nor did I panick once this […]
  5. emorelleum

    A little Alaskan atriumā€¦

    Though I may be a computer science major, I have a split opinion about the uses and value of technology in our lives. I spent several years in my youth living in Palmer Alaska, a small town halfway between Anchorage and Wasilla (the starting point of the Iditarod Race). The place is known only because […]
  6. emorelleum

    Of Horror and 140 characters

    I feel the articles gloss over the losses of horror stories enabled by web 2.0. Certainly the web makes story creation more accessible to people, but the cost in story quality is just too high. I will admit I am not exactly immersed in the horror genre or on social media, but I know plenty […]
  7. emorelleum

    Good dolls and bad dolls

    I may not be a fan of horror, or of social media, but I am a fan of classics. The twilight zone, the outer limits, and night gallery are all names I am moderately to intimately familiar with. I was not familiar with the trilogy of terror, and after watching this clip, I can see […]
  8. emorelleum

    King of the Hill meets Lost in Space

    Below is my challenge and response for what is bound to be the worst fanfiction on this page of the internet   Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining King of the Hill and Lost in Space. The story should use a secret government plot as a plot device! Scene: The Jupiter 2, careening […]
  9. emorelleum

    A bucket list

    Bucket List: Successfully complete a “Eat the whole thing and your meal is free” challenge. – You never have to pay for a meal again, because you won’t feel like eating ever again. Go Skydiving – Weightlessness? Screaming? Sounds good Get struck by lightning – only so many people can claim they have done this […]
  10. emorelleum

    Daily Create Toast

    I realized this should probably be on my blog as well as my twitter feed. When someone leaves you a dire warning in your bed, I think about breakfast…     #ds106 #tdc1334
  11. emorelleum

    A haiku about me

    Well, it may not be completely about me, but it tells a lot about me in 17 sounds… Face to face with you connect through conversation Then you might know me #WritingAssignments #WritingAssignments1707
  12. Tales from ds106 Ā» weekly assignments

    Week Three: Writing & Raving



    All work is due by midnight on Friday, 9/11

    Below is a detailed list of what’s to be completed this week.

    1. Read Some Horror: Read/view/listen to and respond to two the following:
      Last Respects http://www.backfromthedepths.co.uk/thetheatreofterror/2011/comic-scans/e-c-comics/last-respects-from-tales-from-the-crypt-3/
      Night Gallery: Certain Shadows on the Wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwXn4b8-XA4 or on Hulu http://www.hulu.com/watch/12313
      Boris Karloff’s Thriller S01E37 “The Grim Reaper” Full Episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvGEbistmXc
    Read the rest
  13. scottc1094

    Week 2 Summary

    Week 2 of DS106 was quite exhausting, but was another fun week filled with unique assignments. This week, I customized my blog and added in all of the recommended plugins. I can already tell a big difference with these installed (especially Jetpack). I found that the assignment bank was the most fun assignment that we […]
  14. scottc1094

    Slender Man and Storytelling

    Up until a few years ago, I had never heard of the internet creature named ‘Slender Man’. It was not until slender man became an almost household name that I first began to learn more about him. I think the fact that web storytelling is so popular, certainly had an effect on the rising familiarity of […]
  15. jamerive

    A meaningful response to Bryan Alexander and Shira Chess

    Bryan Alexander makes a good point in his work about digital storytelling being a constantly changing thing. Following the nature of technology itself, it would be hard to expect anything to stay the same for too long, to which he adds that “social media  evolve at a very rapid speed” — a statement the more … Continue reading A meaningful response to Bryan Alexander and Shira Chess

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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