1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Remix Part 1

    My first assignment that I chose to remix was “what’s in your bag?” I completed this assignment a few weeks ago and showed everyone my everyday essentials that I always keep in my purse. This is my original assignment that I posted a few weeks ago.. As you can see I gave you all a […]
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Hey Talky Tina

    For this assignment I used an app on my phone called cut me in.  I screen shot a picture of Talky Tina on my phone and cropped it a little. I then uploaded Talky Tina’s head into the picture and edited around the edges a little more. I sent the finished product to my email […]
  3. myoung3

    The Grass Was Green The Sky Was Blue, The End. (Create A Daily Create)

    Take any picture you want, and describe it as vividly as possible.  Don’t show us the actually image until the end, and don’t embed the picture directly. The path was narrow and winding, yet pleasantly smooth to walk on.  It’s cool gray tone juxtaposed the trees that hung over it from the hill beside.  There … Continue reading The Grass Was Green The Sky Was Blue, The End. (Create A Daily Create)
  4. myoung3

    Sum Up

    This week was interesting, I got to practice a lot of the things I learned in previous weeks, and I think it went alright.  I don’t really have a favorite piece this week, because nothing really stuck out as stellar.  I guess that’s to be expected when you’re “mashing up” a bunch of new skills … Continue reading Sum Up
  5. kmgeckle

    Mashing Together Week 12

    I really really enjoyed this week! I honestly had never explored the “mashup” section of the assignment  bank, and it was fun to familiarize myself with it! Unfortunately there definitely are not as many assignments to choose from in that...
  6. kmgeckle


    http://ds106.emorelleum.com/viswork/were-going-down/#comment-201 http://audyg1rl.com/assignments/movie-mashup/#comment-396 http://audyg1rl.com/assignments/movie-mashup/#comment-397 http://catscarnival.com/creative-assignments/finding-nemos-new-family/...
  7. alicemutch

    My shoes

    Don’t get your hopes up, I’m not showing you my brilliant collection of shoes… Mainly because I seriously only wear like only one pair of shoes.. BUT, I will be creating my own pair of shoes, Nike Trainers in fact. So … Continue reading
  8. Alexis Zirpmoulis


    For this assignment I found a MySpace logo on Google and cropped the “Space” of the logo out.  I also found a Facebook logo on Google and cropped the “book” logo out.  I used paint to crop and combine the two images into one.
  9. scottc1094

    Week 12 Summary

    This week in DS106 we focused on mashups and remixes. This was probably the most enjoyable week I’ve had so far, as I had a lot of fun creating all of the assignments. I completed 10.5 stars of mashup assignments, including J.D. Scrubs Mashup, the Contest Nobody Could Win, This Doesn’t Belong Here, and a… Read More
  10. kmgeckle

    Cheesing Up The T-Shirt!

    For my second remix assignment, I decided to go off of the “Create Your Own T-Shirt” assignment that I had already done a few weeks back! My “remix” was to “Turn Up The Cheese”, basically, I had to use some...
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis


    1. http://kaitlinmarie.net/assignments/mashupandremix/mashing-friends-and-emojis/#comment-669 2. http://catscarnival.com/creative-assignments/finding-nemos-new-family/#comment-647 3. http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/color-changer-remixed-in-pink/#comme...
  12. emorelleum

    The Blame Game, Week 12 in Review

    There is a lot of blame to go around this week. Let us hope the pattern does not continue. As with many weeks, a combination of procrastination and being-out-of-town-leading-up-to-the-weekend has gotten me into trouble again. Direction for this portion of blame? Squarely here. And Morlium. Let’s throw him under the bus since he isn’t here […]
  13. emorelleum

    We’re Going Down!

    For this mashup assignment, we had to take two iconic movie scenes and mash them together. My inexperience with media in general is a detriment to this assignment. Iconic movie scenes? None ring a bell. I ultimately did find a scene I thought would be appropriate to mashup, this movie poster of a scene with […]
  14. emorelleum

    Status of the FCC

    For this assignment, I decided to do the Status Report assignment. The remix I got was to change the media. A status report is usually written, but I could forsee one being done with audio. So, I warmed up audacity, cobbled together a script, hit the record button, and trimmed a couple awkward points via […]
  15. emorelleum

    Vacation on a Desert Island

    On hitting the mashup button, I got the “Jump Opposer” mashup, which states that I need t write an opposite version of the assignment, one that has the opposite of the intended effect. Let us write a nightmarish view of Welcome to Paradise.   Well good sir, you have done it again. You have truly […]
  16. emorelleum

    Seeing the good stuff

    Another week, another block of time wandering around the web. What did we find this time? – Anne Frank – clouds – serious stuff – running  – makeovers – force rings – Spooksy – vacation hats – Nemo – more nemo Overall, the use of more complex assignments has brought out the best in people. […]
  17. kmgeckle

    Switch the Soundtrack!

    For my last mashup assignment, I decided to do Switch the Soundtrack for 3 stars! This assignment turned out to be pretty fun! Basically, I had to use a video clip from one movie and replace the audio with sound...
  18. kmgeckle

    10 Second Throwback!

    For my second Mashup assignment this week I chose to do the 10 Second Throwback, for 3.5 stars! Basically, I had to choose two or more throwback songs to mash together to make a short 10 second clip! I decided...
  19. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates

    http:// @ds106dc #tdc1402 pic.twitter.com/AMd0mfi9f4 — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) November 10, 2015 For this daily create I chose to use an older photo of the Chincoteague Island bridge. I searched online for images of the Chincoteague bridge, originally I had planned to use a newer photo of the bridge since they have recently remodeled it.  However, […]
  20. scottc1094

    Week 12 Comments

    This week I commented on 10 different posts from DS106. http://bloodyface.artismyescape.com/assignment-bank/trek-wars-mashup/ http://audyg1rl.com/assignments/movie-mashup/ http://assilemarim.net/uncategorized/weekly-summary-12/ http://kaitlinmarie.net/...
  21. ahardy2

    Movie Mashup

    I did the movie mashup assignment worth 4 stars. I used google images and photoshop to cut out and merge these images to make The Divergent Games.

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