1. mmiranda

    Vine Remix

    This assignment is worth 3 stars and it asked me to make different videos in vine and put them all together in one video clip. I use my cellphone to do the vine videos and then I went online to get the video download to my computer and them upload them to YouTube.  I used … Continue reading Vine Remix
  2. scottc1094

    The Contest Nobody Could Win

    Assignment (2 stars) For this assignment, we had to create a mashup of six clips of our favorite movies. All of the clips had to be no longer than two seconds. To complete this assignment, I chose six different movies that I had seen in the last few years, and downloaded their movie trailers into iMovie… Read More
  3. braze

    Trek Wars Mashup

    For this mashup assignment I had to mashup two iconic movie franchises. I chose my favorite two franchises Star Trek and Star Wars. In this picture Captain Kirk is helping the Jedis fight Count Dooku’s droid army on Geonosis. I chose this scene because the Jedi are trapped in a circle and there was a … Continue reading Trek Wars Mashup
  4. scottc1094

    J.D. Scrubs Mashup

    Assignment (3 stars) For this assignment, we had to take a character from a TV show and mash together pictures and videos of them. I chose to mashup J.D. from one of my favorite shows, Scrubs. J.D. is one of the main characters, and is a doctor at Sacred Heart. To complete this assignment, I first found… Read More
  5. headreaper

    Weekly Summary 11/6/15

    Running out of time no time for chit chat Ah! Daily Creates (1,2,3) 16 stars worth of video assignments (1, 2, 3) + mini-documentary Mini-Documentary (here) I know I went over the time limit but I had such good material! Comments (here)
  6. headreaper

    **Red Reaper Drawing**

    For today’s daily create (11/6/15) we had to draw our host characters so I drew The Red Reaper! Tadah~~! @ds106dc #tdc1398 red reaper drawing! pic.twitter.com/YcnqN6YLqt — Head Reaper (@TheHeadReaper) November 7, 2015
  7. braze

    Weekly Summary 11/6/2015

    This week was crazy. I felt like I never stopped working on ds106 video assignments. I absolutely loved the daily creates this week. October 31sts daily create was to take a selfie and make yourself into a superhero. @ds106dc I AM IRON MAN!!!!! #tdc1392 pic.twitter.com/K2eiGX54v9 — Bloody Face (@BloodyFace106) October 31, 2015 November 1sts daily … Continue reading Weekly Summary 11/6/2015
  8. emorelleum

    Week 11 in Review

    We will go right out and say it. I messed up badly this week. In searching for ds106 week 11 assignments, I came across: http://ds106.us/2013/04/01/weeks-11-12-making-movies/ as the first google hit for “ds106 week 11”. Perhaps I should have noticed the 2013 in the url, or the really small date given right-justified above the post, but […]
  9. emorelleum

    All About Morlium

    Who is Morlium? This video gives all that we can share about him. Putting together the video was an arduous task. I first had to outline how the documentary would transition, then find clips and pictures appropriate to the narrative arc. I was able to extract general clips from youtube videos using clipconverter. I found the […]
  10. emorelleum

    Not All Who Wander Are Lost (though some are…)

    Just because I goofed up this week doesn’t mean I can’t wander around the internet with a purpose! Elaborating on Learning! Dance Gifs Peanuts Dennis Thought Dance Robin Williams Missing Tongue Twisters More Cartoons Chipmonks It would seem there are quite a few people working on videos. As there were fewer assignment posts floating around […]
  11. audyg1rl

    Weekly Summary

    What a week in digital storytelling, I must say I was taken back by some of the assignments. I’m just going to highlight my favorites for this week; the first being the Morse code daily create. I haven’t had to use that since the last time I was serving on a Naval vessel. I had … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  12. ahardy2


    http://catscarnival.com/daily-create/sidewalk-crack-art/#comment-575 http://assilemarim.net/assignments/lip-sync-singing/#comment-1166 http://jimjamsbizarreadventure.com/assignments/selfie-story/#comment-367 http://anzirp.com/assignment-bank/blair-make...
  13. gcaron

    Weekly Summary 11

    This week wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I actually enjoyed the few videos I made and I thought they were pretty easy. I actually got my daily creates done on time and got to do three this week. The three I ended up doing were easy and fun. The […]
  14. gcaron

    Daily Creates

    For the daily creates this week, I decided to just put them all on one post to make it easier for the weekly summary. I just added to the top at the week went on. For the first one I did this week, I did a selfie with a filter I had never used before. […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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