1. @ScheltH

    Critique 6: A Struggle within reach


    Critique 6: A Struggle within reach

    This week, I decided to change my strategy a bit when looking for digital stories. I’ve been focusing a lot on school reform in the United States, and have found stories from people who are spearheading the effort to change how the education system looks in the United States. This week I wanted to focus on stories where people’s lives were changed because of the education they were able to…

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  2. @cilantro_12

    My Gift & My Curse

    Ever since I was a little girl, I have been blessed with an incredibly sharp memory. This has come in handy for many things throughout my life, but the most surprising way that it shows up is in my ability to memorize music lyrics. This isn’t a very odd gift when you consider that most […]
  3. @kelriz

    Chapter 7: Social Learning

    Social learning, ‘push’ and ‘pull’, and building platforms for collaborative learning “They suggested that by separating learning from ‘authentic’ activity grounded in physical and social contexts and situations, formal education largely defeats its goal of promoting ‘useable, robust knowledge’.” Authentic learning is critical in education today. Our students need to feel connected and inspired by […]
  4. @kelriz

    My Response to “Nobody Likes the Color Brown”

    The great thing about engaging in conversation with other educators is how connected our paths can be. I was sharing with a colleague about this course and she mentioned that she had furthered her studies in technology in education. She recalled creating a podcast and told me about her experience in that process. I became interested […]
  5. @louikon

    Week 7 – Scholarship Review

    Out of the three concepts, chapter 7 explores, “Social learning, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ and building ‘collaboration platforms’ for social learning”, I feel that I have a solid understanding of “social learning” but the concepts of  ‘push’ and ‘pull’ and building ‘collaboration platforms’ for social learning are relatively new to me. As a foreign language instructor […]
  6. @boylebou12

    Response to Social learning, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ and building platforms for collaborative learning

    I have read the chapter with a lot of interest because the ideas developed therein correspond a lot to  my philosophy of teaching foreign languages. It was interesting to me to read that the teaching methodologies advocated here also apply to all types of teaching and learning, not just classroom teaching. I have acquired a… Continue reading Response to Social learning, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ and building platforms for collaborative learning
  7. @mattiak11

    Blog Response Ch.7 Week 7

    As the reading begins, I am introduced to an observation that learners will use tools differently and that the outcomes will be unique. Individual learning and different outcomes, leads to a greater collaborative learning experience even when using the same tools. I often see this in the manufacturing environment that I am embedded with. There&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  8. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique Week 7 Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

      This week I was so inspired by Steve Jobs’ 2005 compelling commencement speech at Stanford that I decided to deviated from my focal theme and complete my critique on a different topic. Although I have attended quite a few, rather boring commencement ceremonies, I had never imagined that I would be enjoying so much […]
  9. @edtech4sped

    Propaganda in the Age of Social Media

    In a PBS Blank on Blank interview from 1958, Aldous Huxley speaks about a future world where "impersonal forces....are pushing in the direction of less and less freedom." Among these forces he counts overpopulation, mind-controlling drugs, propaganda, and, most pertinent to this blog, technology."All technology is in itself moral and neutral. These are just powers which can either be used well or ill..."                      &nbs ...
  10. @thepadilash


    This week I watched another Blank on Blank episode with an interview by Jane Goodall. The story was apropos to what I’ve been feeling lately about literacy and integrating a new approach for future success of my students. Jane describes how she followed her instincts to pursue a life involved in nature. Her journey was … Continue reading "Instinct"
  11. @edtech4sped


    In Chapter Seven of New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning, Lankshear argues that traditional brick and mortar universities are transmitting knowledge in a static vacuum that does not prepare students to think in the creative ways necessary to solve in-context (i.e. on the job) problems. Since this is the case, teachers need to transition from the “push” method of teaching to a “pull” method. ​Simply put, the push method of teaching occurs when a te ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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