1. @boylebou12

    Response to: Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

    For this week’s reading I chose  this piece from the the University of Houston Education Department. http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/page.cfm?id=27&cid=27 http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/page.cfm?id=27&cid=27&sublinkid=31 When I saw the title I knew right away that I would find information that I can use to help expand my knowledge about Digital Storytelling and ways to better incorporate it in my practice. I was… Continue reading Response to: Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
  2. @edtech4sped


    DIGITAL STORYTELLINGIN THE SPECIAL ​EDUCATION CLASSROOM In their case study, "Digital Storytelling in the Middle Childhood Special Education Classroom: A Teacher’s Story of Adaptations," Paige Michalski, Dodi Hodges, and Savilla Banister recount Michalski's mission to use Digital Storytelling as a means to help her Special Education students improve their writing. With adequate planning, appropriate scaffolding and a heaping dose of energy, Michalski's efforts ...
  3. @AceInquisitor

    (Response) Branching Narratives: Games to Novels, How to Involve the Reader.

      Paul Nelson, a passionate writer and blogger, wrote up a short article, one in a series of nineteen, titled Designing Branching Narrative. In it, he explores how deep and intricate writing for branching narratives can be, and gives a lot of resources to make the process easier. Quite a few of these involve coding … Continue reading (Response) Branching Narratives: Games to Novels, How to Involve the Reader.
  4. @thepadilash

    An Inspiring Q&A

    Storycenter.org strives to “preserve and share humanity’s stories” through multiple modalities. After reading an article about the importance of teaching children to be aware of a global “us” rather than a foreign “them”, Story Center was the perfect landing spot to discover how moving a digital story can be. There are stories about loss, love, … Continue reading "An Inspiring Q&A"
  5. @KelSanMar

    Our night skies

    I grew up in a small town where the night stars were visible every clear night. In the town itself street lamps waited on every corner, but hundreds of acres were set aside outside the town for natural forests. No lights were allowed, and the only paths were those made by forest hikers. Now I … Continue reading Our night skies
  6. @edtech4sped

    Digital Story Critique: Tom Waits on PBS’s Blank on Blank

    "When I first got into show business, my step-father bought me a wild shirt which....said more about what he thought show business was than what I thought it was."     Known as one of the most interesting interviewees around, Tom Waits delivers the goods in his PBS Blank on Blank interview, "Everything and Nothing." Though he is only asked four questions, Tom still manages to speak for over five minutes on topics varying from why moles are awarded prizes for burr ...
  7. @kelriz

    Response to “Leading and Learning: Effective School Leadership Through Reflective Storytelling and Inquiry”

    Storytelling as Professional Development As a Professional Learning Partner in Denver Public Schools, I was really excited to land on this article, which is an excerpt from Leading and Learning: Effective School Leadership Through Reflective Storytelling and Inquiry by Fred Steven Brill. One of my purposes and goals in entering this course was to determine ways to […]
  8. @kelriz

    Digital Response: How to Make Hard Choices

    Ruth Chang – How to Make Hard Choices “Drifters allow the world to write the story of their lives.” In general, I am a person that avoids decision making – a drifter. From little decisions like what to eat for dinner to big choices like whether to have a second child. Instead of moving ahead, […]
  9. @dms36963

    Digital Story Critique – Hearing the Beautiful Game: Soccer without sight

    A story from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil about a man named Andre de Souza Carlos who is blind and yet still plays soccer.  The story can be found at TheScene. Andre had impaired vision from birth, but an accident later in life caused him to be completely blind.  He describes how after his blindness, “It … Continue reading Digital Story Critique – Hearing the Beautiful Game: Soccer without sight
  10. @AceInquisitor

    Hide Your Face, So the World Will Never Find You: Digital Story Critique.

    Person. From the Greek word Persona, meaning Mask. This week I chose a very interesting short story on Youtube called Identity. There are just a few lines of dialogue, but the video tells the story of a young high school girl who finds an identity for herself. The story is simple, everyone that the girl … Continue reading Hide Your Face, So the World Will Never Find You: Digital Story Critique.
  11. @thepadilash

    Tell Your Story, You Global Citizen

    Focusing on citizenship has becoming increasingly important in our schools. Buried beneath test scores, evaluations, and data analysis, students are often missing an opportunity to develop critical characteristics that enable them to become effective global citizens. Truong-White and McLean explore how digital storytelling in the classroom can enhance global citizenship. Digital Storytelling for Transformative Global … Continue reading "Tell Your Story, You Global Citizen"
  12. @dms36963

    Daily Create – The ocean at the end of my backyard…

    Legend had it that “someone” actually challenged the bull and broke his leg in a hole as he ran away.  Surely it must have been the end of that “someone”. But here we were, intrepid adventurers climbing through the fence to the wide open west that was our neighbor’s land.  Cast off were the warnings … Continue reading Daily Create – The ocean at the end of my backyard…
  13. @cilantro_12

    Dozen’t Stop Me

    “Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” -John Steinbeck This week’s daily create called for a dozen. A dozen of what? A dozen of anything as long as it wasn’t eggs. With my mission in mind, I set out to find […]
  14. @KelSanMar

    Daily Create 9/12

    When working in an office where everything is the same, you need to express your individuality in some way. For me, one of the ways I express myself is by having an array of colored pens. Colored pens are my downfall #inte5340 #tdc1709 pic.twitter.co...
  15. @klw_colorfulco

    Reflection 1

    I feel that these past three weeks in my class about Digital Storytelling have been a refreshing change of pace from my normal day to day routine.  I feel that I have only begun to express my creative side, and hope to spend a little more time completing some of the more challenging daily creates.  So far … Continue reading Reflection 1

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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