1. @kadit


    Frame Pingback Here is my first attempt at the weekly photo challenge. The theme is Frame. While not the best photo, I loved the way the morning looked showing through my kitchen window.
  2. @sylvanrobert1

    Response to Chapter 1: “Sampling ‘The New’ in New Literacies” by Lankshear & Knobel

    The sociocultural aspects of “new literacies” described in this chapter immediately grabbed my attention and caused me to reflect on an experience I had last semester. In my online Games and Learning course, the readings were posted online and two students were asked to read and annotate the pieces in advance, using the annotation tool ... [Read more...]
  3. @kadit

    Daily Create 08282016

    Ok… this one didn’t take much thought. The theme for this Daily Create is “Removed”. So I thought it was apropos that I post this screen capture of My having been removed from a class that I am enrolled in, specifically INTE5340 Learning With Digital Stories.
  4. @klw_colorfulco

    Chapter 1 -The “New” in Literacies

    Creating meaningful content is an expected role of the classroom teacher, corporate learning environment, and many other professionals who must rely on their writing and communication skills to facilitate some type of learning experience, whether it be in the classroom, in a blog, or designing an eLearning course at the workplace.  Reading Chapter One called“Sampling ‘The New’...
  5. @kadit

    Reading 1

    So, this blog is not currently attached to the DS106 Site. I need to explore that more. But below are my responses to the first week’s reading. I am an analytical person that deals with the organization of information, so I tend to work best in numbered or bulleted lists. So, until I become more… Continue reading Reading 1
  6. @ScheltH

    Sampling the “New” in New Literacies


    Sampling the “New” in New Literacies

    When you hear the word “literacy” the first thing that comes to mind is most likely reading, books, journals, newspapers and magazines. In Knobel and Lankshear’s article “A New Literacy Sampler” they talk about how literacy is expanding. Literacy not only includes printed products like books or magazines but also products that have been created online or digitally. These products can include…

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  7. @dms36963

    New Literacies – Evolution in Progress

    I’ve been reading chapter one (Sampling “The New” in New Literacies by Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel) of the collection  A New Literacies Sampler ( edited by Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel, Vol 29. 2007) which looks at the definition and description of New Literacies.  Literacies is a term they use to describe the literacies […]
  8. @cilantro_12

    The New Literacies: Transformative Practices for a New Age of Learners

    What a reading! This week’s reading was not quite what I was expecting. Upon first glance, it appeared as though it was going to be another one of those stuffy articles with a high level of pretension and fancy words full of emptiness. I am glad to report that I was wrong about this first … Continue reading The New Literacies: Transformative Practices for a New Age of Learners
  9. @mattiak11

    Blog Response: Chapter 1: “Sampling ‘The New’ in New Literacies” by Lankshear & Knobel

    On page 14 Lankshear & Knobel speak to the breaking down of established roles and responsibilities in delivering a story. This has really resonated with me. The importance of contribution is beyond measure. The ease of immediate communication has changed the way we work, go to school, and even interact within our local community. We&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  10. @mattiak11

    Blog Response: Chapter 1: “Sampling ‘The New’ in New Literacies” by Lankshear & Knobel

    On page 7 Lankshear & Knobel refer to and explain New “Technical Stuff”. I appreciate new technical stuff, especially when it delivers a message. The message can be text, picture, video or music and the ability of the human mind to continue to push the boundaries of new technical stuff is amazing. I was speaking&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  11. @ScheltH

    Digital Story Telling


    So I am taking my final class for my masters degree and it’s in digital storytelling. I’m not really sure what to expect, but I am excited. Anyways, this is my first blog post to start this storytelling adventure. 

  12. @boylebou12

    New Literacies

    I agree with Lankshear et al when it is stated that there is a close connection between literacy, language and the context in which that language is used. I also agree that “different kinds of texts require “somewhat different backgrounds and somewhat different skills” if they are to be read meaningfully”.  For instance, in Senegal… Continue reading New Literacies
  13. @AceInquisitor

    The New Literacies: How Fanfiction, Vlogs, and Podcasts are changing our World.

    Colin Lankshear & Michele Knobe write in the first chapter of this collection about how the idea literacy is actually such an expansive concept that is ever evolving in our digital age. The piece goes over the definitions of literacy and how they use it in the discussion, but was really summed up in this quote. … Continue reading The New Literacies: How Fanfiction, Vlogs, and Podcasts are changing our World.
  14. @louikon

    New Literacies

    Photo credit: mikecogh via Foter.com / CC BY-SA As I was reading “Sampling the “New” in New Literacies”, I started rethinking the definition and actual meaning of the word literacy and literate. What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century? How well prepared are teachers and administrators to adapt the “New” literacies […]
  15. @cilantro_12

    First Post!

    I am still getting used to all of this new technology. I’m not a newb by anyone’s standards when it comes to new forms of tech, but I have strayed from things like twitter and blogging for the sake of anonymity on the web. Guess this course will challenge me in that regard!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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