1. kethao35

    Shakespearean LOLcat

    I decided to choose this picture of a cat with a pizza on its head because it is adorable in a twisted kind of way.  I tried to imagine what the cat would say to itself after seeing this picture.  I chose Shakespearean Sonnet 38.  I am a pet lover and I know how hard […]
  2. cmirsajedin

    Blog Post #3

    For my third blog post I chose the Shakespearean LOLcat. This assignment asks you to get a picture of a cat and a quote by Shakespeare and put the two together for comedic effect. Here is what I came up with. I used this picture because it shows one cat already stuck, with another trying […]
  3. cmirsajedin

    Blog Post #2

    For my second blog post I have chosen the writing assignment, what’s in a name? Wherein I talk about my name and what it means to me, why I have it, etc.   My full name, Cyrus Rafael Mirsajedin, is unique. So unique in fact, no one else in history has ever had such a […]
  4. cmirsajedin

    Blog Post #1

    For my first DS106 assignment I have done the Car Chase Commentary audio assignment. For this assignment I have taken a Youtube video and put my commentary over it in the form of color commentary that you would see on a local news channel. Please excuse the copious amounts of uhhh’s
  5. kethao35

    What They Might Have Done In Social Media

    This is an assignment I was familiar with in the past.  I thought it was a fun assignment and I enjoyed doing it again.  I chose Bill Cosby because he is someone I respect and value as a comedian, father, and activist.  He says makes a lot of statements that don’t go over too well […]
  6. kethao35

    Shakespearean LOLcat

    I decided to choose this picture of a cat with a pizza on its head because it is adorable in a twisted kind of way.  I tried to imagine what the cat would say to itself after seeing this picture.  I chose Shakespearean Sonnet 38.  I am a pet lover and I know how hard […]
  7. kethao35

    Redoing The Past Pose

    I decided to recapture a moment when my son was three years old.  This was the best age for me.  He was so comical and smart.  Most of his pictures back then showed him having fun and laughing.  I thought it would be interesting to see how he looked at three compared to seventeen.  He […]
  8. rfletch6

    Eleshaq Tutorial

    I decided to do a tutorial for the assignment where you paste someone’s head on an animal body. I did this screencast tour and showed people how to do this via PowerPoint for those who, like me, aren’t proficient in design programs like Photoshop. This isn’t as neat or professional looking, but it gets the job […]
  9. Olivia Teague

    What is in a Name.

    Okay so I have always been told that there are not many people named Olivia, which is true until around 1999 when every other person was naming their child, no matter the sex(just kidding) Olivia. However my name is not inspired by Olivia Newton John, Grease the movie, but from my great-great- grandmother on my […]
  10. mbarajas88

    Supercut It

        The instructions for this assignment were to create a montage of an overused or widely recognised trope or movie theme. Initially, I had wanted to do “love at first sight” and create a video montage of that one scene where one person looks at another one and they stare at each other quietly […]
  11. mbarajas88

    The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition)

      The instructions for this assignment were to use clips from different movies no longer than 2 seconds in length and “mash” them together into one video. I was supposed to use my favorite movies, but unfortunately all I had access to were the movies already on my computer, so I chose my favorites out […]
  12. cheesebo

    Monologue of a Household Tool Assignment

    ds106 Assignment #1 This assignment was easy, all I did was write a monologue of what a refrigerator would say. Monologue of a Household Tool I see it everyday. The face of indecision, question, and desperado. What should it be today? What do we have here? It’s always the same questions. They just use me, […]
  13. gbeetsch

    Sardonic Mashup Tutorial

    This tutorial covers how to do the Sardonic Mashup assignment on ds106.   Please be sure to visit all clarifying FAQs and Youtube videos to get the full effect of other people’s hard work covering the different programs required to make this assignment really ‘pop’.  I hope this helps.  
  14. emilyfursure

    Playlist Poetry

    I chose to do the Playlist Poetry assignment because my life revolves around my playlists and my music. I was interested to see what kind of cheesy poem all the cliche song titles could come up with. I was also inspired to add a bit of humor as there were some rather creative poems on […]
  15. devorahbrimmer

    You’re doing it COMPLETELY wrong!

    The assignment is to find a picture or something of the sort of someone doing something completely wrong, and basically just raging out on them…which is fine because we all see that everyday. My favorite is the ones who post on facebook or some other social media about how they wish people would do grammar […]
  16. rfletch6

    What People Think I Do

    I chose to do this assignment because misconceptions about what I do are common. Especially around finals, different people pull me in different directions but sometimes, I just want to stay to myself. Netflix is my savior during finals when I just want to relax. 
  17. rfletch6

    What’s in a Name?

    I choose this assignment because it reminds me of a sixth grade project I had to do. We had to research the meaning of our name and present it in a creative way. Since I’m over the top, I created a rap and a diorama of a countryside with a lamb standing by a fence. So […]
  18. lindseymeown

    Bad Helvetica/Monkey See, Monkey Do.

    I’ve already done my 3 assignments, but Bree did this one and I thought it was hilarious– so I had to do it too. The assignment‘s called “Pick A Bad Photo, Apply A Vintage Effect, And Write Something In Helvetica.” Not much question about what to do there. I’m dying over here.
  19. mraglin

    What’s In A Name?

    As I look online I search my name Mariah. In the urban dictionary Mariah means the prettiest girl in school, but on ask.com Mariah means a sea of bitterness. My mother told me the reasoning behind the name Mariah is simply the wind. I guess some old folk song lyrics were ” they called the […]
  20. mraglin

    Unusual Superhero

    Assignment: Create an unusual hero. What are their powers? Write an origin story. Design a costume. My Unusual Superhero name is: Turnt Terry! ( turnt is the slang word for being hyped) Turnt Terry was born in a high-class area of Atlanta Georgia. His neighborhood was very boring as a child. One day Terry got tired […]
  21. rfletch6

    Design Assignments: Eleshaq

    I choose to do this design assignment so I could mix humor with intentionality. This assignment asks people to paste someone’s head on an animal body or vice versa. I choose an elephant and Shaquille O’Neal not just because I love elephants, but also because the image still has meaning. For some ordinary sized people, […]
  22. mraglin

    What Wanders Outside Your Window

    A creepy clown would be my greatest fear of what can wander outside my window at night.  I researched the post I could relate to , and stumbled on page two of visual post and saw this post. I am very afraid of clowns, never had them at birthday parties, so I knew exactly what picture […]
  23. lpickel0809

    Shakespearean LOLcat Tutorial

    This assignment is, in a nutshell, cat pic + a quote from Shakespeare = Shakespearean LOLcat. It simply asks you to add some text, but not just any text, Shakespearean text, to a cat picture from the interwebs. I decided to create a video tutorial on how I created this little guy, whom I dubbed […]
  24. mbarajas88

    What People Think I Do

      So this year I began giving ESL classes at my Goodwill as a part of one of my Education classes. I also offer help to some of the people that take advantage of the services offered there, and I’ll often help people logging into their emails and figureing out their credit score, drawing up […]
  25. gbeetsch

    Tautological Inception

    For this assignment, titled Historical Selfies, I wanted to create a reverse of something that politicians do all the time.  They think that by placing themselves in front of historical art or monuments from the past that it will add credibility to what they are saying or doing at the time.  In this famous painting by John Trumbull […]
  26. lpickel0809

    Bad Helvetica Picture

    The instructions for this assignment were pretty straightforward. “That’s it. Pick A Bad Photo, Apply A Vintage Effect And Write Something In Helvetica”. That’s verbatim. I started out with picking my picture. The whole “Bad Photo” thing is incredibly subjective. After thumbing through some pictures I took of a nearly empty trail mix bag, I […]
  27. lpickel0809

    Recipe Haiku

    This assignment asked you to write down a recipe as a Haiku (using the traditional 5/7/5 pattern). The key was not to leave out any important details. As a bonus, you could also include pictures with each step, which I am doing for the sake of visual aid. So You Want Eggs? Hot pan on […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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