1. lpickel0809

    Playlist Poetry

    This DS106 assignment asks you to venture into a playlist of musical proportions that you have stored on your computer. Once you’re there, you have to arrange the songs from your files into a coherent sentence, poem, or funny story based on their titles. Then save the photo via uploading to paint (or he said […]
  2. aubricmiddleton

    What Color Is Your World?

    https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/181686405   I chose to do the What Color Is Your World assignment for my last project. For this assignment, you are to pick a color that you see throughout your world each day, and capture photos of things of that particular color. Then, you are to choose a song that is relevant to the color […]
  3. timshel10

    Skills Video Tutorial

          This is my video tutorial for the create a skills video assignment. I used screen-o-matic to record a video of a video.  This is a tutorial on how to complete the skills video assignment as well as how to use screen-o-matic when you are in a pinch
  4. aubricmiddleton

    Six-Word Memoir Tutorial

    For this tutorial, I used an app called Studio on my iPhone. I started with the picture above, and opened the app on my phone.   To upload the picture to the app, I pressed the green button with the ‘plus’ sign in the bottom left hand corner and selected the photo from my camera […]
  5. lindseymeown

    DS106 Assignment Tutorial – Supercut It

    I made a tutorial for the DS106 video assignment titled “Supercut It,” which I did in iMovie on my Mac. I used screencast-o-matic to create the tutorial, and just went step by step through the process that I followed to create the original assignment for “Supercut It.” The tutorial is available on YouTube here. Or […]
  6. lindseymeown

    Redoing the Past Pose – DS106 Visual Assignment

    For my third and final DS106 assignment, I chose to redo a past photo. The assignment specifically asked for a person to hold a past picture of themselves, but I really wanted to recreate a picture of my parents from 1974 holding their dog, Gretch, and their cat, Leonardo. These pets are, of course, long […]
  7. lindseymeown

    Supercut It: DS106 Video Assignment

    This assignment asked that I “create a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv show, film, and/or public figure.” The first thing I thought of was Obama’s repetition of “let me be clear,” but it turns out that TIME magazine and the Associated Press have already compiled […]
  8. lindseymeown

    Etude de la Musique– Audio Assignment

    I chose the Etude de la Musique assignment in the assignment bank. This assignment requested that I take a video clip and set it to at least three different songs to look at how the music changed the mood and meaning of the clip. I used a clip from one of the best coming of […]
  9. timshel10

    Full Metal Jacket

    For this assignment you create a misleading T.V. guide synopsis of a movie or show that uses actual facts to distort the story.  I chose the film Full Metal Jacket and make it sound almost patriotic or noble in its portrayal of Marine life.  I think Stanley Kubrick had different intentions.   Full Metal Jacket […]
  10. timshel10

    Atomic Apocalypse

          For this assignment you were supposed to create a visual of your biggest fear outside your window. I am not actually really that afraid of an atomic winter, but typically rather than look at actual (internal) fears, people like to find some external to attach their fear to i.e. terrorism, communism, Muslims, […]
  11. timshel10

    C.K. Williams

    I completed the over-dramatic reading assignment for the audio category. I chose C.K. Williams’s poem “The Method” for my reading. This poem is highly analytic, academic, and discursive.  On the page it reads more like a dry pseudo-philosophical discourse than a poem. For my reading I tried to alter the meaning by adding inflection and emotion to the […]
  12. gbeetsch

    Sardonic Mashup

    For this assignment you are asked to do the following: “The concept is to mashup something along the lines of a public apology, a commercial, a pandering political speech or anything you’d like to mock for the public good.”   I used Academy Award Acceptance Speeches from Cuba Gooding Jr, Michael Moore, and Marlon Brando (Little […]
  13. aubricmiddleton

    Six Word Memoir

       “As an autobiographical challenge, the six-word limitation forces us to pinpoint who we are and what matters most – at least in the moment. The constraint fuels rather than limits our creativity.” -Larry Smith For the Six Word Memoir Assignment, you have to think through how you would write a memoir of yourself in […]
  14. gbeetsch

    Recipes with Haiku

    For this assignment, you are asked to create a recipe using haiku. “Write an entire recipe only in haiku. Stick to the 5/7/5 syllable pattern as much as possible, but don’t leave out any key instructions!” When I think of recipes, there is one that stands out in my mind – mainly because of how […]
  15. Olivia Teague

    Illustrated Lyrics Post

    I loved seeing different photos and getting to choose what lyrics I wanted to put on it because so many people use lyrics already written to compare and express themselves through. I loved doing this assignment because yes I am one of those people who listens to music and each song or artist evokes different […]
  16. Olivia Teague

    DS106 Assignment #1.

    The assignment says to pick a historically significant event and write a journal entry as if I traveled back in time and took place in it. Dear Journal; Today has been a very long day. What with the North attacking the South. If only they knew how lovely us women of the south really were, […]
  17. aubricmiddleton

    Shakespearean Cat- Aubri Middleton

    I saw that Britta did this assignment, and I HAD TO DO IT. I love Shakespeare, and I love cats. Purrrrfect. ;) With this assignment, you are to pick a Shakespeare quote and pair it with a photo of a cat that corresponds with the quote. I chose the quote, “And though she be but […]
  18. caitlynkeller

    Caitlyn Keller DS106 assignment one

    So the first assignment I chose was to pick the top five songs or albums that have had the most influence in my life so far and to discuss them a little. Basically, explain why is it on my list. If you click on the titles of the songs you will be taken to youtube […]
  19. timshel10

    C.K. Williams

    I completed the over-dramatic reading assignment for the audio category. I chose C.K. Williams’s poem “The Method” for my reading. This poem is highly analytic, academic, and discursive.  On the page it reads more like a dry pseudo-philosophical discourse than a poem. For my reading I tried to alter the meaning by adding inflection and emotion to the […]
  20. britta315

    Ten Step Photo Challenge

    I chose to complete the 10-Step Photo Challenge by taking ten steps out of my door and into my backyard – taking one picture with every step.  I tried to add variety to the pictures by altering my angles and proximity and then used a collage creator app on my phone to compile the photos.
  21. britta315

    Illustrated Lyrics

    I chose the My Favorite Lyric assignment where you amplify a lyric that stands out to you by turning it into a visual.  To do this, I added the lyrics to an edited picture that I had saved on Pinterest by adding a text box to the photo in a Word document.  Then I screenshot […]
  22. britta315

    Shakespearean Cats

    I chose the Shakespearean LOLcat assignment where you combine a cat picture with an appropriate Shakespeare quote.  Because I don’t particularly like cats, I chose a Shakespeare quote with a negative connotation and found a picture by searching for “mean cats” on Google images.  I then added text to the picture in a Word document […]
  23. kylejohn295

    Blog Post #10 – Digital Teacher Identity

    I think the first step in establishing my credible online identity as a teacher is to evaluate my facebook page, and likely make a new one. I made facebook when it first came out and used it often like many from my generation, but I fell off of it quickly. In fact I haven’t been […]
  24. kylejohn295

    Blog Post #9 – Reading and Writing Online

    Here is a trajectory of what a typical 3-4 page research paper looks to me. What’s irritating in this whole process for me is my inability to focus on a task. I have the uncanny, and terrible trait to procrastinate for as long as I can humanly get away with. Semester long projects and assignments […]
  25. kylejohn295

    Blog Post #8 – Transmedia Franchise

    For my discussion of a transmedia franchise, I chose Star Wars, a franchise I am very familiar with. Since the franchise’s inception in the 70′s from the mind of George Lucas, it has spread like wild fire to every available facet of interpretation whether literature, gaming, clothing just to list a few. It’s universe is […]
  26. heathermarietee

    ds106C: Post”Secret”

    For my last ds106 post, I chose the visual assignment, Post Secret. The task is not to write a secret at all, but to write a dream or aspiration on a post-it note– in my case, I used flower post-its– and take a picture. I had two ideas for my postsecrets, so I just decided to include […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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