1. flear

    Looking, Listening, and Analyzing

    So, for this assignment, I’ll be examining This Scene from the movie Good Will Hunting, which I have never seen before. Let’s start! Look: The clip begins with Robin Williams in the center of the shot, and spends a long time just focused on him as he speaks. Then it very subtly begins panning/turning to the […]
  2. flear

    How to Read a Movie

    It’s probably an embarrassment to myself to say that I don’t really know who Roger Ebert is. I know I’ve seen his face before, and I know he has something to do with film (based on what we’re learning this week), but I know almost nothing about him. But, I know what he’s talking about, […]
  3. rachstanford77


    Today’s daily create prompt is: Paper Dandy’s book Horrorgami contains all you need to just make these scary figures, but we want you to make your own horrorgami, as Halloween approaches, and use the examples as inspiration only. What is horrorgami? Well, it is spooky kirigami, of course! Okay, there is a You Tube tutorial and […]
  4. sking2

    Reading movies:

    I watched One Point Perspective and Camera Angles and Techniques.   From the first, I learned how a single perspective can influence the feelings the audience feels. A symmetrical scene […]
  5. flear

    Guess that Fingerspelling!

    For the Signing Words assignment (4 stars), we had to fingerspell a word that was long enough for the viewers to guess. I was really excited to see this assignment. I took two years of ASL when I was in high school, and I absolutely loved it. The language is so fascinating linguistically, and the […]
  6. emmasaxophone

    Life as an Animal

    My first assignment of the week is called Life as an Animal and it is worth four stars. The assignment required you to take pictures or videos of a perfect day in the life of an animal and make a video out of it. I chose to create a video about a perfect day for my dog Berrin.   Steps: Go to
  7. emmasaxophone


    I looked at classic movie 300  and the scene I looked at is called This is Sparta. The clip depicts a scene where the main character is confronting a messenger of the enemy and the main character is deciding what to do with him. To see the clip click the bar next to 1/84 and scroll down to number 7.
  8. rachstanford77

    Generously Signing

    Signing Words- 4 Stars Assignment Prompt: This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled. Make sure you do a word that is bigger then 5 letters so you can learn […]
  9. mirandaskin

    Weekly Summary #10

    For this week, we were to analyze video and movies. This is so interesting to me because I really do like watching clips and videos online. We also have done pictures and images, and then audio. Now, we are putting it together with film! First, I read and reflected on Roger Ebert’s journal about reading movies. … Continue reading Weekly Summary #10
  10. rachstanford77

    One Player

    So today’s daily create’s prompt was: “Take a small piece of paper (A5 maybe or note pad size), make a one player game with simple rules that fit on this piece of paper. Use only simple shapes and colors to design, Optionally use a dice and/or pen. Note you can tear out pieces you have […]
  11. emmasaxophone

    Reading Movies

    I read the article How to Read a Movie by Roger Ebert which talks about how to begin to analyze a movie. He teaches a session at festivals and universities called ” shot at a time”. He says to begin to start analyzing a film you need to research the film to be familiar with the director and the context
  12. jamesb

    Baylor's Blog 2015-10-27 17:55:51

    The camera work in this scene I believe is perfect, they took the time and caught all of the best possible angles they could. The camera cut to different angles 38 times in the short 3 minute scene. They switched back and fourth between the main character and the dog in the passenger seat, as […]
  13. rachstanford77

    Hiking is my Happy Place

    Today we want you to show us ‘where you get your groove back’. Adapted from Krista over at The Daily Post where you can see lots of lovely examples. This is my happy place. Up in the mountains with a beautiful view. You can’t ask for anything better.
  14. awassenb

    Cinema Techniques

    In order to gain a further understanding of some cinematic techniques in film, I viewed three other videos going deeper into some of these specific techniques. The videos will be embedded below with short descriptions on the techniques discussed or shown. Kubrick // One-Point Perspective– This video shows the art of the one-point perspective in […]
  15. awassenb

    Reflection on Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie”

    In the article “How to Read a Movie,” Roger Ebert gives a brief discussion on the various rules of thumb used in movie and video production. Many of these he states are not absolutes to be followed in film production and review, but rather “tendencies” that nearly ever producer and culture adhere to in the […]
  16. kstanbro

    Week 10 Daily Creates

    TDC 1387 @ds106dc #tdc1387 MISSING BOYFRIEND pic.twitter.com/NssyNWII0B — Kelsey Stanbro (@KelseyStanbro) October 27, 2015 Today’s daily create was to create a wanted sign. I started brainstorming ideas and then asked my roommate and her boyfriend for ideas that were cute. After thinking of some pretty awful ideas. I thought of doing a missing boyfriend. I […]
  17. jbrooks5

    Week 9 Summary

    Grumpy Desperados Show Review Digital Storyfellers Show Review Slayer Cat Shirt – Required Assignment Web Assignments: Vacation of a Lifetime (3.5 Stars) Johnny Obvious Resume (3 Stars) I found this week to actually be enjoyable.  I enjoy writing reviews and it… Continue Reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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