1. @KellyPratt27125

    Audio Summary

    Audio Week Assignments: Audio Summary What did you learn? I learned about some sound techniques such as using sound effects, layering, and music. I also learned about storytelling. The Ira Glass videos were quite informative regarding how to tell a story. It’s the most natural thing in the world to speak a story, but writing […]
  2. @BalladofE11442

    Summary 2

    I learned that design has different elements and several different parts to make an image or advertisement. What was harder than I thought would be was one of the daily creates because I didn’t understand it at first. What was easier was taking p...
  3. @KellyPratt27125

    Design Summary

    Design Week Assignments: Design Summary What did you learn? This week, I learned that design is complicated. There are so many elements that go into creating a good design that I wasn’t aware of until this week. During this whole week, I probably spent about 10 hours just reviewing information focused on design. And that […]
  4. @BalladofE11442


    Color- The use of color in the Bogo buy one get one free sign is shown by the orange that fades into yellow. These are warm colors that are a symbol of impulsiveness and energy. What I think this advertisement is trying to do with these colors is to gr...
  5. @KellyPratt27125

    Visual Assignment Pt. 4: Summary

    This week, I completed several assignments. For a quick reference, see the links below. Visual Assignment Part 1: Reflection Visual Assignment Part 2: Photo Safari Visual Assignment Part 3A: Five Frame Story Visual Assignment Part 3B: Your Favorite Photo Visual Assignment Part 3C: Mixing 2 Worlds Visual Assignment Part 3D: Draw It Visual Assignment Part […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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