The prompt was to write a diary entry from your favorite Disney Villain’s perspective. Donna Murphy – Mother Knows Best (From “Tangled”/Sing-Along). YouTube, 2 July 2020, Try this #ds106 Assignment Dear Diary…. Dear Diary…. — Hailey Amick (@amick_hailey) January 29, 2022 Dear Diary, Mother knows best. Rapunzel wanted to leave the tower because the lanterns are calling her. She can never know what it is like to be out of the tower or else I will vanish into nothingness. Her beauty makes me shine as the young flower I am on the inside. I wish that she would be able to come to her sense and realize that I know best. I am the one who has raised her. I am the one who has brought her to all of her senses!!!!!!!! Goodnight, May I shine just as bright tommorrow.