1. @StarTaytu

    Fate or Luck

    Outline a long-form story that you might use for a final project idea. What is a story you would like to tell? Think of something that matters to you, something you care about or want to know about, but also consider how it needs to be relevant to an audience. Something that you want to… Continue reading Fate or Luck
  2. @aislingberri

    Week 3

    This week was honestly quite stressful. Normally, I’m sure that if I hadn’t gotten milk spilled on my laptop, I would have been able to have a grand old time completing assignments peacefully. Unfortunately, life is not like that. On...
  3. @aliboo1432

    Daily Creates: Week 3

  4. @amick_hailey

    Dear Diary…

    The prompt was to write a diary entry from your favorite Disney Villain’s perspective. https://youtu.be/-7jWt3JvJtoDisneyMusicVEVO. Donna Murphy – Mother Knows Best (From “Tangled”/Sing-Along). YouTube, 2 July 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7jWt3JvJto. Try this #ds106 Assignment Dear Diary…. https://t.co/KjhrlI2yZt Dear Diary…. pic.twitter.com/tCx0I6Jag3 — Hailey Amick (@amick_hailey) January 29, 2022 Dear Diary, Mother knows best. Rapunzel wanted to leave the tower because the lanterns are calling her. She can never know what it is like to be out of the tower or else I will vanish into nothingness. Her beauty makes me shine as the young flower I am on the inside. I wish that she would be able to come to her sense and realize that I know best. I am the one who has raised her. I am the one who has brought her to all of her senses!!!!!!!! Goodnight,  May I shine just as bright tommorrow. 
  5. @aliboo1432


    Today, I was thinking about a story to write up for this class and discussing what I should pick from a girl I had never met before visiting Mary Washington this weekend. In this story, Sam, which we will be referring to her, and my roommate gave me different suggestions about what to write about,… Continue reading Outline
  6. @amick_hailey

    My Fortune Cookie

    This life is yours. This life is yours. Some of it was to you; the rest you made by yourself. This fortune cookie is speaking to me in the fact that this life is mine. I CAN do anything I want in this life. The part that was given to me was the life that has been laid out for me by my sweet parents giving me lessons, putting me through art classes, dance, girl scouts, and sports. The rest of my life is made by me and I want to take these beautiful things that I have been through and use my creativity to make myself and others happy.
  7. @wade_764

    I learned a lot this week! – Weekly Summary

    This week was busy as usual for me, but I got it all done! Go me! I tried to approach this week by getting the daily creates out of the way first. My favorite of those assignments was to develop a decorative letter for my first name. I used Gimp to do this, and the bucket tool was beneficial. I think had I used a clearer image, it would have turned out a bit better tho. There was a lot of writing this week, and my favorite post was about finding three songs that capture an emotion. I thought that…
  8. @nalujoprojects

    Zombie Apocalypse Terms of Service

    Last updated before the end AGREEMENT TO TERMS These Terms of Service constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and the hospital staff trying to maintain order (“we,” “us” or “our”), concerning your participation in the zombie apocalypse as well as any other activity or …

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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