1. Keith Kilmer

    Saturday Night Draw-a-thon

    I have a wonderful family that tries to spend quality time together.  Since my two oldest children are teenagers, this has become harder and harder to do.  We try to create ways to spend that time when we can and this week it was a drawing contest. We were supposed to draw a picture that […]
  2. Keith Kilmer

    Star Trek Into the Darkness

     DISCLAIMER: I am an old school Star Trek movie Trekkie, so my opinion can be jaded by how close the newest additions to the series match up to the original movies. I walked into the AMC theatre on Saturday night excited to see J. J. Abrams’s newest action filled installment of the Star Trek franchise. I […]
  3. Keith Kilmer

    Silver Linings Playbook

    Review of Silver Linings Playbook I want to make a declaration first about my intention to see this movie.  The only reason I went to see it was because I really needed to have a night away from the house with my wife.  We love watching movies together and seeing how she makes all the money […]
  4. Keith Kilmer

    Remembering Tidal Waves

    Standing next to the elevator, I can see them coming through the mass of confusion exploding from the rooms of suppressed socialization.  I am noticing, though not openly staring, two beautiful figures who are propelling along within a sea of energetic youth.  It is hard not notice. They are noticeable as much for their individual […]
  5. Keith Kilmer

    A Frog’s Life

    Slowly, my eyes break the surface of the water.  Ah the air feels so nice and cool!  A slow blink rinses my eyes and clears my vision of the surrounding sky.  Without moving or blinking, I scan the entire horizon for a hawk or an owl.  Seeing nothing, I stretch my legs with a springing […]
  6. Keith Kilmer

    Star Craft 2 – Nexus Wars Addiction

    I have been playing Star Craft 2 with my son for a few years now.  It seems like my obsession goes back and forth between Star Craft 2 and World of Warcraft.  I never seem to be playing both during the same period. During my most recent foray into SC2, I have moved away from […]
  7. Samantha Bert


    A year ago today I was roaming the streets of Italy, Rome with a group of people I’ve never really met before. I remember walking around with pure amazement, a little anxiousness, but mostly just pure happiness. I remember thinking … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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