1. Tonya Tyrrell

    Are you fluent in Information?

      Information fluency was a term that I had not heard of prior to reading these different websites. Internally, I knew what it meant, but I didn’t know there was a term to describe it until now. Information fluency is the ability to find, evaluate, and use digital technology efficiently and effectively. As pre-service teachers, ...
  2. Nicole  Morello

    Information Fluency

    Information fluency, in it’s basic form, is the ability to navigate the web efectively, to be able to use search engines for specific purposes, to be able to tell the credibility of the text in questions. This article here is a great starting point for understanding digital information fluency. As a pre-service teacher I think ...
  3. Keith Kilmer

    Online collaboration

    Online collaboration allows for the work of students to be completed across the Internet without ever meeting.    The most important component is that the students will have to be somewhat self sufficient.  By not meeting they will have to be … Continue reading
  4. antoinette

    Tweet Tweet Rockin Robin

        I really enjoyed participating in an educational Twitter chat it was a great experience. At first I was a little overwhelmed because it was hard to keep up with all the new tweets coming in. But then I realized that it wasn’t an entire conversation flowing that quickly but certain individuals responding to each… Continue reading →
  5. antoinette

    Collaboration Nation

    I think one of the most important points that is made in this article about Online Collaboration is the mention of an agreement. Having students collaborate online can be extremely helpful especially when you would like to cover other important material in class instead of dedicating it to group work. But the question is, when students collaborate… Continue reading →
  6. Lindsay Kenney

    Book Crazy :)

    So I went book crazy this break! I went to the thrift store by my house over spring break, and let’s just say…I was in HEAVEN! So many books! I grabbed as many as I could hold, and I probably will go back. For those who are wondering, here is what I picked up… Jane … Continue reading
  7. Lindsay Kenney


    So, this actually happened last week, but during my observation at Fabius Pompey, I was actually able to sit in at a CSE meeting. Basically the meeting was for some of the staff, including principal, guidance counselor, math and english teacher, and special education advisor to sit down with a classified “resource” student and his/her … Continue reading
  8. Lindsay Kenney

    Women and Body Image

    This video was extremely interesting and inspiring for a growing young woman. It is amazing to me to see how many young ladies out there struggle with self-esteem and body image. I know I have friends who struggled, friends who are beautiful and still think otherwise. This video, in all honesty made me angry at … Continue reading
  9. Lindsay Kenney

    Pain Demands to be Felt

    In a blogging mood today. I adored this novel. To be honest, it probably took me 2 hours max to finish reading it. This quote is one of my favorites, which I found surfing tumblr. “Pain demands to be felt.” It is so true. If we couldn’t feel pain, then how would we know the … Continue reading
  10. Lindsay Kenney

    Cortland Creeper Status

    Cortland Creeper Status Creeper Status So for the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to collaboratively work on a radio show podcast with a few of my classmates, Emily Heyden, Ashley Keough and Nicole Morello. We were able to pick a topic of our choice and create this spectacular radio show. All four of … Continue reading
  11. Lindsay Kenney

    Why Online?!

    As a future educator, I am a strong believer in working with others to flush out ideas. It is so beneficial to work with others because you are able to build off each other’s ideas. I know in my future classroom, I will stress the importance of group work and creating a comfortable environment. I … Continue reading
  12. khrystie

    Why Collaborate?

    As an educator, it’s important to recognize that collaboration doesn’t “just happen.” In fact, if we want it to go as effectively as possible, we need to be able to set the stage for collaboration well before we expect students to do the same.  In Chapter 2, entitled “The Process of Online Collaboration”, steps are laid ...
  13. Ashley Keough

    ELL Chat

    What an interesting experience! I just participated in an educational twitter chat about ELL’s and it couldn’t have been a more eye-opening experience! I learned so much about what some schools/teachers do with their ELL students and the ways in which their parents can become more involved as well. There were a lot of professional … Continue reading »
  14. Renee Balvin

    Collaboration Nation

    In this day and age, online collaboration is extremely essential.  No matter what, we are constantly referring to the internet to help us solve problems and share ideas.  If it were not for everyone contributing to shared spaces, we would … Continue reading
  15. Erin Rougeux


    Tonight I participated in #engchat, a chat on twitter for those of us interesting is the English education. The chat was extremely interesting, there were so many people interacting and sharing ideas. I just wish I was a little more … Continue reading
  16. Olivia Guay


    I had so much fun with my twitter chat! I was actually very surprised!  The time absolutely FLEW by !! I learned so many things and got so many different perspectives from different people from all over!  Whether it be … Continue reading
  17. victoria

    Tweet Chat: #engchat

    I participated in a Tweet chat at 7pm this evening with English Teachers from around the world. It was such an awesome experience and I learned so much. The main focus of the chat was authentic writing. So many teachers were asking what constitutes authentic writing and I was proud to see so many of my classmates chime in ...
  18. Emily Heyden

    Twitter Chat

    I just participated in an twitter chat, and boy was it enlightening! I had never participated in something like this. I was apprehensive at first, but I will be participating in the future. I loved that my voice was heard and that what I said was re...
  19. Emily Heyden

    Twitter Chat

    I just participated in an twitter chat, and boy was it enlightening! I had never participated in something like this. I was apprehensive at first, but I will be participating in the future. I loved that my voice was heard and that what I said was re...
  20. Emily Heyden

    Look at what I’ve done

    We had to make a picture that emphasized the color yellow. This is my folder for this class. I just love the way these flowers make me want to be happy.   We were asked to take a self-portrait, with our showing our face, that still identifies us. I picked this one because I LOVE that sweater. Well ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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