1. antoinette

    He said? She said? Knowing where your information comes from: Information Fluency

    Information fluency is the is the ability to find, evaluate and use digital information effectively, efficiently and ethically. In other words, knowing where to find information on the internet, assess it’s reliability, and use it appropriately. Information fluency is important to many different people for different reasons. Teachers find information fluency essential when integrating technology into… Continue reading →
  2. khrystie

    Reading Critically: A Short How-To

    There’s been much attention drawn to students being able to read critically – especially with the integration of more Non-Fiction texts. But what does it mean to “read critically?”  Critical readers learn to recognize not only what a text is saying, but also how that text is portraying the information.  The text operates under specific discourse(s) and it’s important to ...
  3. Samantha Bert

    Digital Citizenship!

    Digital citizenship is very important and it is a “concept that helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately” (Digital Citizenship).  I think it is very important to stress in your … Continue reading
  4. Emily Heyden

    Dual Citizenship

    In today’s society everyone has dual citizenship- one that is the traditional and one for the digital world.As the technological world continues to expand and create even more of a foot hold in our lives, the laws of this “new” society need to be outlined. This article here does a great job of breaking down nine of the ...
  5. Emily Heyden

    Dual Citizenship

    In today’s society everyone has dual citizenship- one that is the traditional and one for the digital world.As the technological world continues to expand and create even more of a foot hold in our lives, the laws of this “new” society need to be outlined. This article here does a great job of breaking down nine of the ...
  6. Lindsay Kenney

    Let’s get digital…digital

    Do you know what digital citizenship is? I did not either. There are nine themes of digital citizenship which are extremely important for those who are venturing out into this tech-savvy world. These themes consist of Digital access Digital commerce Digital communication Digital literacy Digital etiquette Digital law Digital rights and responsibilities Digital health and … Continue reading
  7. Lindsay Kenney

    Information Fluency

    After an extensive discussion along with various references and articles, I am now currently awake of what information fluency is. Digital Information Fluency is a way to find information in an effective way. Once you understand these components, the title now makes sense. In class, I was fortunate enough to work with Chelsea Backus and … Continue reading
  8. Lindsay Kenney

    Tweet Tweet

    I have been a twitter user for a while now, and I actually had no idea what a tweet chat was until recently. When researching what a tweet chat was, I came across an interesting comparison to “small talk at a cocktail party” and I found that to be humorous. What is a tweet chat? … Continue reading
  9. Renee Balvin

    Digital Citizenship

    If you don’t know this term, you should.  It’s 2012 and practically everything we do is digital.  I recently read an article that discusses nine elements of digital citizenship.  It showed me a lot that I had not considered before. … Continue reading
  10. Michael Oliveri

    Digital Citizenship

    After all of our studies and learning about multi-modality and learning in the digital age, it’s important for us to understand exactly what ‘digital citizenship’ is.  Digital citizenship is composed of 9 key themes: Access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette , … Continue reading
  11. Erin Rougeux

    Digital Citizenship in School

    Digital Citizenship can be summed up in 9 key concepts: Digital access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights & responsibilities, health & wellness, and security (to find out more about these concepts visit: Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship). Since the internet … Continue reading
  12. Ashley Keough

    Digitize Yourself Right

    The world is constantly changing. It’s sometimes hard to keep up with this technological world where digital media has gone viral and know how to navigate through this new world. However, once you know the steps to how to become the very best digital citizen you can be, it becomes a natural way of living … Continue reading »
  13. Sarah Messmer

    How deep is your Digital Footprint?

    We’ve all done it. Posted something to the internet without a second thought. A curse word in a quick post to a friend on Facebook, a photo partying with friends (if you’re 21!), the list goes on. But how many of us have really stopped to consider how these off-the-cuff posts will effect us in ...
  14. victoria

    Tutorial #2

    Have you ever hear of Weebly? It’s a website where you can make your own online portfolio. If you’re interested, read closely! Step one: Go to weebly.com Step 2: Fill out the chart where it says: Sign Up! It’s Free!   (You fill in your full name, e-mail and password) Step 3: Create your site name ...
  15. victoria

    Tutorial #1

    I love music so I decided to show how to buy a song from iTunes! Step 1: Open up your iTunes:    (Open us the iTunes…its the second from the bottom on the left) Step 2: Once your iTunes is open, clip on the iTunes store which is the first one under the category store on the left. This ...
  16. victoria

    Protect Yourself!

    Have you ever thought about your digital footprint? Are you safe? Do you know how to protect yourself? Digital citizenship is very important in the 21st century. There are nine elements that you should be aware of: digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and ...
  17. Nicole  Morello

    Digital Citizenship

    Digital Citezenship   Digital citenship is an important concept for our students to understand, each one of the elements. It is equally, if not even more important for teachers to understand and adhere to this concept. The first step is for us to understand that access to electronics is essential, in every way, not simply ...
  18. khrystie

    Digital Citizenship

    With the emphasis on digital medias as sources of information, entertainment,  communication and commerce, it has become increasingly important to understand digital citizenship. In order to do so, we have to understand exactly what digital citizenship entails. Technically, it is defined as “as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.” But, ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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