1. Greg Musselman

    Working Together (Without Getting Together)

    Online collaboration is a useful tool that I can say from experience scares the bejeezus out of people (for some reason). Everyone seems to know that the tools are available but most would seem to prefer meeting in person if the option is available. A lot of the apprehension can be assuaged, I think, if ...
  2. Greg Musselman

    Working Together (Without Getting Together)

    Online collaboration is a useful tool that I can say from experience scares the bejeezus out of people (for some reason). Everyone seems to know that the tools are available but most would seem to prefer meeting in person if the option is available. A lot of the apprehension can be assuaged, I think, if ...
  3. Tonya Tyrrell

    Do You Know What’s Expected?

    It has been found that with the rise of the use of technology within classrooms around the United States, digital citizenship is being taught more and more to students. Before incorporating technology into the classroom, teachers need to decide what various kinds of elements of digital citizenship they want their students to have in the ...
  4. Keith Kilmer

    Info Fluency

    Info fluency is an important topic when you want to consider 21st century skills of today’s kids.  Students will need to know where they can get the information that they need for not only school projects, but their lives.  Everyone … Continue reading
  5. Keith Kilmer

    Info Fluency

    Info fluency is an important topic when you want to consider 21st century skills of today’s kids.  Students will need to know where they can get the information that they need for not only school projects, but their lives.  Everyone … Continue reading
  6. khrystie

    Information Fluency: A Necessity Today

    With the shift to incorporate technology into our classrooms, we have to make students have information fluency skills. In other words, we should be able to find, evaluate, and use digital information effectively, efficiently and ethically. Information fluency can help us all make the most out of our experience on the web. We can begin by ...
  7. Renee Balvin

    Information Fluency

    Just recently we were focusing on Information Fluency.  It was interesting to consider since technology these days is so rapidly changing.  I found it useful since one day I will be teaching kids who will be using the internet as … Continue reading
  8. Ashley Keough

    Information Fluency…Huh?!

    From the title of this post, most of you readers are probably wondering what in the world I’m talking about. I’ll tell you. It’s about the internet and our every day daily relationship with the world-wide web. In order to be fluent in this type of world, one must be able to navigate through the … Continue reading »
  9. Nicole  Morello

    Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-12

    @teachingwthsoul This sounds great! I'm pre-service at SUNY Cortland. Poetry in the classroom…count me in! #eng307 in reply to teachingwthsoul # @ktvee Or they have been taught poetry in the very traditional way. in reply to ktvee # @engaginged @evilpandas I completely agree! Students need to relate to it! Have fun with it. Each person ...
  10. Michael Oliveri

    Information Fluency

    Recently For Eng307 we’ve watched a neat little slide show that gave us some information about information fluency.  Information fluency is the ability to use digital information correctly and efficiently. It has 5 major steps: Question, Search, Strategy, Evaluation, and Ethical … Continue reading
  11. Michael Oliveri

    Information Fluency

    Recently For Eng307 we’ve watched a neat little slide show that gave us some information about information fluency.  Information fluency is the ability to use digital information correctly and efficiently. It has 5 major steps: Question, Search, Strategy, Evaluation, and Ethical … Continue reading
  12. Michael Oliveri

    Information Fluency

    Recently For Eng307 we’ve watched a neat little slide show that gave us some information about information fluency.  Information fluency is the ability to use digital information correctly and efficiently. It has 5 major steps: Question, Search, Strategy, Evaluation, and Ethical … Continue reading
  13. Sarah Messmer

    Are you Information Fluent?

    In our New Media Literacies class, we have been discussing the topic of information fluency. That is, “a new liberal art which extends beyond technical skills and is conceived as the critical reflection on the nature of information itself, its technical infrastructure and its social, cultural and even philosophical context and impact” (definition found here). ...
  14. victoria

    What is Information Fluency??

    What is information fluency? That’s a great question! Information fluency is all about how to effectively use the internet. There are several key questions that can help us to understand how to understand information fluency: What am I looking for? Where will I look? How will I get there? How good is the information? How ...
  15. Abby Hanrahan

    Good Chatter!

    Tonight I participated in a Tweet chat with English Teachers from around the world. I thought this was a very neat experience once I got used to it. There were so many people that participated in the #edchat that it … Continue reading
  16. khrystie

    Talkin’ on Twitter

    The way that we make connections is changing rapidly due to the advancements of technology. As I have said in the past, we are making shifts to incorporate these technologies in the classroom, but they can also be used to build our own Personal Learning Networks. Tonight, for the first time, I participated in a ...
  17. Olivia Guay

    Information Fluency

    Research is a dreaded part of student educational experience! Let’s try to make it as easy as possible for students to complete research fast and correctly! The questions to have them ask themselves throughout the research process: What am I … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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